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Now Appearing in Your Garden: Superweeds
August 19, 2002GM crops are designed to fight weeds because they areresistant to pesticides. This means farmers can spray theirentire fields and kill off the weeds without hurting theircrops. But this process is creating Superweeds, which havecross-bred with the pesticide-resistant GM crops... continued
A Scientist Talks About UFOs
August 17, 2002Bernard Haisch writes, "We scientists tend to think that weknow better than anyone else what is possible and what isimpossible, and that we of all people could surely not bekept in the dark for very long. Over the course of... continued
Asteroid Flyby Sunday
August 16, 2002Asteroid NY40, which was just discovered on July 14, will beflying near the Earth on Sunday, August 18 and will be closeenough to see through binoculars. Unlike NT7, which is nowdue to hit us on 2060, there's no chance that... continued
Crop Circles Here in U.S.
August 16, 2002A beautiful set of crop circles has been discovered in afield in Idaho, and the owners say they have no idea howthey got there. And crop formations in the U.K. are gettingmore explicit, with the newest showing what looks like... continued
Israel May Nuke Iraq
August 16, 2002Israel thinks Iraq is preparing to launch a missile attackat any time. "Israel should be prepared to face an Iraqiattack at any moment," says Israeli Science Minister MatanVilnai. The head of the Israeli air force, Zeev Schiff, haswarned Iraq that... continued
Iraq Making More Germ Weapons
August 15, 2002A U.S. spy satellite has spotted activity at the Tajifactory in Iraq, where they think Saddam Hussein is makingbiological or nuclear weapons. After the 1991 Gulf War,weapons inspectors found out the plant had produced hundredsof liters of Botulinum toxin. Iraq... continued
TV Produces Mean Teens
August 15, 2002Watching lots of violence on television and playing violentvideo games makes kids mean and physically aggressive. A newstudy shows that the longer a kid is exposed to high levelsof TV and video game violence, the more the child is likelyto... continued
Bigfoot May Be Missing Link
August 15, 2002Scientists think Bigfoot may be an early form of man thatlived 10-15 million years ago and still exists in theHimalayas. Fossilized remains of such creatures have beenfound in Turkey, Kenya, Nepal, India and Pakistan, whereBigfoot sightings have been reported. Chinese... continued
Photos Proof of Global Warming
August 15, 2002Greenpeace has released photographs which dramaticallydemonstrate global warming. Travelers to the coast of the Norwegian island of Svalbardtook photos of the Blomstrandbreen glacier shown fromexactly the same spot as in 1918 photos, revealing how muchthe glacier has melted in the... continued
Comets May Escape into Other Universe
August 14, 2002Comets may be composed of the mysterious "dark matter" thatmakes up 90% of the universe "because they are disappearingand nobody knows where," says Robert Foot of the Universityof Melbourne in Australia. "If I'm right, there is aninvisible mirror universe occupying... continued