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Bigfoot May Be Missing Link
August 15, 2002Scientists think Bigfoot may be an early form of man thatlived 10-15 million years ago and still exists in theHimalayas. Fossilized remains of such creatures have beenfound in Turkey, Kenya, Nepal, India and Pakistan, whereBigfoot sightings have been reported. Chinese... continued
Photos Proof of Global Warming
August 15, 2002Greenpeace has released photographs which dramaticallydemonstrate global warming. Travelers to the coast of the Norwegian island of Svalbardtook photos of the Blomstrandbreen glacier shown fromexactly the same spot as in 1918 photos, revealing how muchthe glacier has melted in the... continued
Iraq Making More Germ Weapons
August 15, 2002A U.S. spy satellite has spotted activity at the Tajifactory in Iraq, where they think Saddam Hussein is makingbiological or nuclear weapons. After the 1991 Gulf War,weapons inspectors found out the plant had produced hundredsof liters of Botulinum toxin. Iraq... continued
TV Produces Mean Teens
August 15, 2002Watching lots of violence on television and playing violentvideo games makes kids mean and physically aggressive. A newstudy shows that the longer a kid is exposed to high levelsof TV and video game violence, the more the child is likelyto... continued
Brown Haze Clouds Asia
August 14, 2002Pollution in southern Asia produces a brown haze made up ofsoot, particles, aerosols and other pollutants that affectsrainfall and farming, and causes respiratory disease inhundreds of thousands of people. "The haze is the result offorest fires, the burning of agricultural... continued
Terrorists Use Poison Bombs
August 14, 2002Palestinian bomb-makers have found ways to make their bombseven more dangerous by putting rat poison into them. Thepoison used in the Jerusalem bus bombing of June 17 was ananti-coagulant that caused survivors to bleed uncontrollablyfrom their wounds. Palestinians want to... continued
Comets May Escape into Other Universe
August 14, 2002Comets may be composed of the mysterious "dark matter" thatmakes up 90% of the universe "because they are disappearingand nobody knows where," says Robert Foot of the Universityof Melbourne in Australia. "If I'm right, there is aninvisible mirror universe occupying... continued
Was 911 Allowed to Happen?
August 13, 2002William Rivers Pitt tells a chilling story about a lawsuitbeing filed against the U.S. by the families of 14 victimsof 911. They are part of what Pitt calls, "anever-increasing body of Americans who subscribe to what theycall the LIHOP Theory.... continued
No Mad Cow Disease From Deer
August 13, 2002Three hunters recently died of Creutzfeldt-Jakobdisease, meaning chronic wasting disease, which affects deerand elk and is related to Mad Cow disease, can betransferred to humans by eating meat. CWD has become socommon in deer that hunting is seriously threatened in... continued
Al-Qaeda Hacked
August 13, 2002A hacker in Maryland used his computer to attack al-Qaeda.Using ordinary Web tools, Jon Messner, was able to take overthe domian name of al-Qaeda's website www.alneda.com. Heobtained ownership of the site on July 16 in the short timeit took al-Qaeda... continued