Comets May Escape into Other Universe

August 14, 2002
Comets may be composed of the mysterious "dark matter" thatmakes up 90% of the universe "because they are disappearingand nobody knows where," says Robert Foot of the Universityof Melbourne in Australia. "If I'm right, there is aninvisible mirror universe occupying... continued

Was 911 Allowed to Happen?

August 13, 2002
William Rivers Pitt tells a chilling story about a lawsuitbeing filed against the U.S. by the families of 14 victimsof 911. They are part of what Pitt calls, "anever-increasing body of Americans who subscribe to what theycall the LIHOP Theory.... continued

No Mad Cow Disease From Deer

August 13, 2002
Three hunters recently died of Creutzfeldt-Jakobdisease, meaning chronic wasting disease, which affects deerand elk and is related to Mad Cow disease, can betransferred to humans by eating meat. CWD has become socommon in deer that hunting is seriously threatened in... continued

Al-Qaeda Hacked

August 13, 2002
A hacker in Maryland used his computer to attack al-Qaeda.Using ordinary Web tools, Jon Messner, was able to take overthe domian name of al-Qaeda's website Heobtained ownership of the site on July 16 in the short timeit took al-Qaeda... continued

History Washing Away

August 13, 2002
Catastrophes that leave thousands homeless, such as theforest fires in the western U.S., are always tragic.However, global warming, which brings weather extremes suchas alternating drought and flooding, is even worse becauseit can wash away hundreds of years of human history... continued

Saudis Say U.S. Fundamentalism Dangerous

August 12, 2002
The Saudi newspaper al-Watan says Christian fundamentalismis just as dangerous to international peace and security asIslamic fundamentalism. It says the international mediaconcentrates only on Muslim fundamentalism, ignoring thefact that Christian fundamentalism is just as dangerous. The Saudi press thinks the... continued

Now: Listen to The Path

August 12, 2002
Whitley Strieber has completed his long awaited book thePath, which details the inner work that he has followed forthe past thirty years. You can listen to excerpts from "ThePath" by clicking on the link at the bottom of this story.... continued

Stink Flower is in Bloom

August 12, 2002
An awful stench is wafting from the Huntington BotanicalGardens in San Marino, California, because theAmorphophallus titanum, the smelliest flower in the world,has bloomed. The flower's fragrance has been described as across between excrement and rotting flesh. Conservationassistant Brendan Craughwell says,... continued

UFOs or Crop Circles–Or Both?

August 12, 2002
Farmers in Greece say that UFOs are destroying their fieldsby landing in them. "This huge circular flying object justfloated down from the skies on to my field," saysAthanassios Tsioukas from the village of Prini. He rushedoff to tell his friends... continued

Can We Move That Asteroid in Time?

August 12, 2002
Scientists are studying how to knock an asteroid that'sheading for Earth out of its orbit. Spanish companyDeimos-Space, in its Don Quixote mission, plans to launch apair of probes called Hidalgo and Sancho towards a far offasteroid. One would hit the... continued