History Washing Away

August 13, 2002
Catastrophes that leave thousands homeless, such as theforest fires in the western U.S., are always tragic.However, global warming, which brings weather extremes suchas alternating drought and flooding, is even worse becauseit can wash away hundreds of years of human history... continued

Saudis Say U.S. Fundamentalism Dangerous

August 12, 2002
The Saudi newspaper al-Watan says Christian fundamentalismis just as dangerous to international peace and security asIslamic fundamentalism. It says the international mediaconcentrates only on Muslim fundamentalism, ignoring thefact that Christian fundamentalism is just as dangerous. The Saudi press thinks the... continued

Now: Listen to The Path

August 12, 2002
Whitley Strieber has completed his long awaited book thePath, which details the inner work that he has followed forthe past thirty years. You can listen to excerpts from "ThePath" by clicking on the link at the bottom of this story.... continued

Stink Flower is in Bloom

August 12, 2002
An awful stench is wafting from the Huntington BotanicalGardens in San Marino, California, because theAmorphophallus titanum, the smelliest flower in the world,has bloomed. The flower's fragrance has been described as across between excrement and rotting flesh. Conservationassistant Brendan Craughwell says,... continued

UFOs or Crop Circles–Or Both?

August 12, 2002
Farmers in Greece say that UFOs are destroying their fieldsby landing in them. "This huge circular flying object justfloated down from the skies on to my field," saysAthanassios Tsioukas from the village of Prini. He rushedoff to tell his friends... continued

Can We Move That Asteroid in Time?

August 12, 2002
Scientists are studying how to knock an asteroid that'sheading for Earth out of its orbit. Spanish companyDeimos-Space, in its Don Quixote mission, plans to launch apair of probes called Hidalgo and Sancho towards a far offasteroid. One would hit the... continued

More Proof of Life on Mars

August 12, 2002
Researchers studying a 4.5 billion-year-old Martianmeteorite have found evidence that 25 percent of themagnetic material in it was produced by bacteria from Mars.Ever since the meteorite was recently rediscovered, therehas been a controversy about whether the markings on thesurface are... continued

A UFO Stole My Cellphone!

August 9, 2002
The Diario La Arena newspaper of Argentina reports that aman was hospitalized in a state of shock after a UFO stolehis cellphone. Police officer Marcelo Alarcon says that RaulDorado, 64, was walking in one of his fields when "he heardloud... continued

Star Shower Sunday

August 9, 2002
Go outside on Sunday, August 11th just after 9 p.m. andyou'll see streaming meteors that will skim the atmospherehorizontally and leave colorful, long-lasting trails. Space contains lots of small asteroids and comet dust. Whenthey hit the Earth's atmosphere, they appear... continued

West Nile at Your Bird Feeder

August 9, 2002
New research shows that house sparrows may be an majorsource of the West Nile virus, and the virus can multiplyinside the birds without killing them. This means thedisease could be as close as your bird feeder, and you'dhave no way... continued