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West Nile at Your Bird Feeder
August 9, 2002New research shows that house sparrows may be an majorsource of the West Nile virus, and the virus can multiplyinside the birds without killing them. This means thedisease could be as close as your bird feeder, and you'dhave no way... continued
Was Einstein Wrong?
August 9, 2002Australian scientists think the speed of light may not beconstant, which could bring down one of the most basic lawsof modern physics: Einstein's theory of relativity.It's possible that the speed of light has slowed down overbillions of years, and "That... continued
Global Warming Means More Monsoons
August 8, 2002Asian monsoons have been intensifying over the last 400years, and they're only going to get worse. Stronger monsoonrains will cause severe flooding and erosion, affecting halfthe world's population. The South Asian monsoon carries rain to billions of peoplein India, China,... continued
Hungry Sharks are Coming Closer
August 8, 2002Due to overfishing in the Atlantic Ocean of the food theylike to eat, hungry sharks are coming closer to shore andmay mistake swimmers for a meal. Menhaden fish, a commonshark prey, are at critically low levels, just in time forthe... continued
Salmonella More Dangerous Than Ever
August 8, 2002A lethal strain of salmonella that's resistant to at leastnine antibiotics is spreading rapidly across the US. Representative Henry Waxman, D-CA, says multi-drug-resistant salmonella Newport is a "growing and serious threat," and has sent a warning letter to the Dept.... continued
Saudis are Dangerous Friends
August 8, 2002The Rand Corporation think tank has told the DefenseDepartment that the U.S. should threaten Saudi Arabia withmilitary and financial measures unless it ends its supportfor Islamic terrorist groups. They warned that the Saudiroyal family supports al-Qaeda and spends billions of... continued
Our News is Ahead of the Pack
August 8, 2002On August 8, newspapers, radio and TV reported a majorstory: studies done when flights were cancelledshortly after 911 show that contrails change the weather.We had a feeling we'd read that story somewhere before, sowe put "contrails" in the unknowncountry.com search... continued
Watch Those Fingernails
August 7, 2002If your waitress has long fingernails, get up from the tableand run. Cooks and waitpeople with long nails are morelikely to pass on food bugs such as E.coli. Artificial nailsare an especially nasty breeding ground for harmful bacteria. Michael Doyle... continued
Secrets of the Black Triangles
August 7, 2002One type of UFO that's been spotted regularly over the lastdecade is the black triangle. They are big and black and,like almost all UFOs, silent. Research by the National Institute for Discovery Sciencethinks at least some of these mysterious triangles... continued
Dinosaurs Got a One-Two Punch
August 7, 2002A huge crater has been discovered hundreds of feet beneaththe floor of the North Sea by seismic mapping equipmentdesigned for petroleum exploration. The 12-mile-wide crater,called Silverpit, is 60 to 65 million years old, going backto the end of the dinosaur... continued