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Dinosaurs Got a One-Two Punch
August 7, 2002A huge crater has been discovered hundreds of feet beneaththe floor of the North Sea by seismic mapping equipmentdesigned for petroleum exploration. The 12-mile-wide crater,called Silverpit, is 60 to 65 million years old, going backto the end of the dinosaur... continued
Did Bin-Laden Do It?
August 7, 2002Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf isn't convinced thatOsama bin-Laden was behind the September 11 attacks. "Ididn't think it possible that Osama sitting up there in themountains could do it," Musharraf says in a New YorkerMagazine interview. "He was perhaps the sponsor,... continued
Scientific Testing of Crop Circles
August 7, 2002Read the latest Insight piece by Andy Thomas, ofswirlednews.com. He tells how the new BLT website will giveclear, scientific answers to questions about crop circles.To read thearticle,clickhere. NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any... continued
Ancient Egyptian Brew
August 6, 2002Kirin, a Japanese beer maker, has found a 4,400-year-oldrecipe in Egyptian hieroglyphics and made authentic ancientEgyptian beer from it called Old Kingdom Beer. It's darkbrown with no foam and has an alcohol content of 10%, whichis about double that of... continued
The Kitchen Bomber
August 6, 2002Italy has its own version of terrorist attacks: theCuccina (kitchen) bomber, who puts his bombs in food. His latestattack was discovered when a jar of Nutella (a chocolate nutspread popular in Europe) exploded in a kitchen in Venice. When Pamela... continued
Baby Clones are Coming
August 6, 2002A U.S. couple hopes to become parents of the world's firstcloned human. They plan to fly to a secret destination to bepart of a cloning experiment. The couple, a high schoolteacher and sales representative, say they've turned tocloning in desperation,... continued
Plane Travel Makes You Sick
August 6, 2002You may be sick of the long lines and detailed inspectionsat airports these days, but you can get really sick when youfinally get on the plane. A study by scientists in theUnited States finds that one in five passengers becomes... continued
Dog Talk
August 5, 2002When your dog barks, he may be trying to tell you something.Scientists now think that dogs use different barks tocommunicate different ideas and can even count. (Theycertainly know the word "walk" when they hear it). Researchers at the University of... continued
We’re Heating Up Fast
August 5, 2002The first six months of the year have been thesecond-warmest ever and average global temperatures in 2002could be the highest ever recorded, according to weatherexperts in the U.K. It's heated up so much that the weatheris even causing train derailments.... continued
Men Killed by Deer Disease
August 5, 2002Medical experts are investigating the deaths of threehunters from brain-destroying illnesses, in order todetermine whether chronic wasting disease has crossed fromanimals into humans in the U.S., just as Mad Cow disease didin Europe. The men were friends who ate elk... continued