Plane Travel Makes You Sick

August 6, 2002
You may be sick of the long lines and detailed inspectionsat airports these days, but you can get really sick when youfinally get on the plane. A study by scientists in theUnited States finds that one in five passengers becomes... continued

Dog Talk

August 5, 2002
When your dog barks, he may be trying to tell you something.Scientists now think that dogs use different barks tocommunicate different ideas and can even count. (Theycertainly know the word "walk" when they hear it). Researchers at the University of... continued

We’re Heating Up Fast

August 5, 2002
The first six months of the year have been thesecond-warmest ever and average global temperatures in 2002could be the highest ever recorded, according to weatherexperts in the U.K. It's heated up so much that the weatheris even causing train derailments.... continued

Men Killed by Deer Disease

August 5, 2002
Medical experts are investigating the deaths of threehunters from brain-destroying illnesses, in order todetermine whether chronic wasting disease has crossed fromanimals into humans in the U.S., just as Mad Cow disease didin Europe. The men were friends who ate elk... continued

Pesticides Kill People Instead of Bugs

August 5, 2002
Farmers are losing the war against agricultural pests asinsects become immune to chemical sprays. Professor IanCrute of Rothamsted Research in the U.K. says, "Just ashuman health is under threat from antibiotic resistance, socrop health is under threat from insecticide resistance.... continued

Media Lies

August 2, 2002
Now that "Signs" is in movie theaters across the country,U.S. newspapers are finally paying attention to the subjectof crop circles, after ignoring them for years. Somejournalists are writing surprisingly open-mindedarticles?including our own hometown paper, the San AntonioExpress-News. Other papers are... continued

Live the Wine Lifestyle

August 2, 2002
Lately, researchers have been telling us that red wineprotects us from heart disease. Now they think it may not bethe wine that does it, but the lifestyle that goes alongwith it. A new study of more than 4,400 U.S. men... continued

How to Tell a Fake Crop Circle

August 2, 2002
How can you tell a fake crop circle from a real one? Withthe movie "Signs" coming out in August, we can expect to seemore faked circles than ever before. Lucy Pringle, who hasbeen researching crop circles for many years, will... continued

August Terrorism?

August 2, 2002
The London-based Ash Sharq al-Awsat newspaper has reportedthat al-Qaeda will carry out a series of terrorist actionsin August and Osama bin-Laden will appear on video shortlyafterwards. Al-Qaeda sources told the paper that "Sheikh bin Laden isalive and will appear in... continued

The Evil Gene

August 2, 2002
Scientists have found a gene variation that can cause adultsto become aggressive, antisocial adults when they wereabused as children. This is the first link betweenantisocial behavior and a specific gene. It helps explain why, although almost all adult criminalshave been... continued