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Bill Mallow Dies
August 1, 2002Bill Mallow, who was one of a handful of scientists willing to do research into unusual objects such as alleged alien implants, has died. Because of the controversial nature of this material and the fear of scientists that they may... continued
Anthrax Terrorist Finally Identified?
August 1, 2002FBI agents have conducted a second search of the Marylandapartment of former Fort Detrick scientist Steven Hatfill,on suspicion that he may be the anthrax terrorist who sentletters that left five people dead and at least 13 othersill last fall. Fort... continued
Why Ice Ages Happen
August 1, 2002Ice ages may occur when our Solar System passes through thespiral arms of the Milky Way during our orbit around thecenter of the galaxy. Dr. Nir Shaviv of the University ofToronto has found evidence linking changes in the cosmicrays reaching... continued
Scientist Investigates Stigmata
August 1, 2002Mario Martinez, of Vanderbilt University, is investigatingthe causes of stigmata, the mysterious wounds resemblingthose Jesus received when crucified that sometimes appear onpeople's bodies. Usually it turns out to be self-mutilation, he says, but inrare cases, true stigmata occur. ''I wouldn't... continued
Stay Home This Summer
August 1, 2002It's getting downright dangerous to venture outside. Ticksare abundant and mosquito-borne West Nile virus is sweepingthe U.S. Two infected dead crows were even found on theWhite House lawn. West Nile virus first turned up in New York, but it's nowmoving... continued
Iraq War Will Cost Plenty
August 1, 2002A U.S. attack on Iraq could profoundly affect the Americaneconomy, because this time, the United States would have tofoot most of the bills. Eleven years ago, the Persian Gulfwar cost the U.S. and its allies $61.1 billion. $48.4billion of that... continued
What Turns Men into Monsters?
July 31, 2002What turns men into sexual predators? We now know that largenumbers of priests regularly abused children. A man in SouthAfrica was recently convicted of raping a 9 month old child.Little girls are abducted from their homes, raped andmurdered. What turned... continued
Chasing Wildmen in China
July 31, 2002From 1976-77, the Chinese Government sponsored an expeditionof 100 researchers to the Shennongjia Mountain Forest insearch of the Yeren (wildman) who has been seen there. Thattrip produced samples of hair, footprints and feces from anundiscovered species, possibly the missing link... continued
It’s OK to Stay in Bed
July 31, 2002Good news for couch potatoes: A few weeks ago the New YorkTimes touted the advantages of a high protein, high fatdiet, so you can go ahead and bring home those fast foodburgers. Now scientists say that early morning exerciseweakens your... continued
A Loving Touch
July 31, 2002Scientists have proof that when someone we love touches us,we can feel it in a special way. A tender caress stimulatesa different part of the nervous system than the everydaysensation of touch. Scientists have finally been able to prove this... continued