A Loving Touch

July 31, 2002
Scientists have proof that when someone we love touches us,we can feel it in a special way. A tender caress stimulatesa different part of the nervous system than the everydaysensation of touch. Scientists have finally been able to prove this... continued

It Takes a Special Brain to Believe

July 30, 2002
Whether or not you believe in the paranormal may depend onyour brain chemistry. Peter Brugger, of the UniversityHospital in Zurich, Switzerland, thinks people with highlevels of dopamine are more likely to find significance incoincidences, and pick out meanings and patterns... continued

Can’t Remember Names? Wear a Computer

July 30, 2002
If you can't remember the names of the people you've beenintroduced to 5 minutes later, wear a computer thatremembers for you. Accenture Technology Labs has created aPersonal Awareness Assistant (PAA) that uses speechrecognition software. It doesn't have a keyboard ormouse--it... continued

Boeing Builds a Saucer

July 30, 2002
Researchers at Boeing, the world's largest aircraft maker,are building an anti-gravity "flying saucer" based on thework of controversial Russian scientist Yevgeny Podkletnov,whose work is viewed with suspicion by scientists whohaven't been able to reproduce his results. The project,code named Project... continued

CEOs Still Living High

July 30, 2002
Despite recent stock market crashes and corporate meltdowns,America's corporate elite are living the high life. Evensome of them who are under government investigation aredoing just fine. Nantucket, off the Massachusetts coast, is filled withmultimillion-dollar mansions. One of these is owned... continued

Ghost Recorded by Security Camera

July 29, 2002
A ghost sighting has been recorded by a security camera atPuckett's Garage in Oklahoma City. The wrecker servicestores vehicles that have been involved in deadly trafficaccidents. Employees believe the image is that of a woman who died in acar accident... continued

Whew! (For Now)

July 29, 2002
After further study, astronomers have decided that asteroidNT7 will not hit the Earth 17 years from now, but will flyharmlessly by instead. Dr. Don Yeomans of NASA says, "We cannow rule out any impact possibilities for February 1st,2019." But although... continued

Fat? Sue!

July 29, 2002
A class-action lawsuit has been filed in New York Cityclaiming that fast-food chains knowingly serve meals thatcause obesity and associated illnesses. Caesar Barber, who weighs 250 pounds, says four food chains-- McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's and KFC -- havejeopardized his... continued

Can We Predict The Big One?

July 29, 2002
Everyone in southern California is worried aboutearthquakes, and wonders when "The Big One" will hit.Geologists are trying to learn more about earthquakeprediction in Parkfield, California, the "earthquake capitalof the world." Stanford geologist Mark Zoback and his teamat the United States... continued

UFOs Over Argentina

July 27, 2002
A UFO was seen in the town of Campamento Vespucio inArgentina between 8:50 and 9:30 pm on Monday, July 22.According to the newpaper "El Tribuno," it was a large,round, intensely bright object. Residents took to the streets to look at... continued