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Ghost Recorded by Security Camera
July 29, 2002A ghost sighting has been recorded by a security camera atPuckett's Garage in Oklahoma City. The wrecker servicestores vehicles that have been involved in deadly trafficaccidents. Employees believe the image is that of a woman who died in acar accident... continued
Whew! (For Now)
July 29, 2002After further study, astronomers have decided that asteroidNT7 will not hit the Earth 17 years from now, but will flyharmlessly by instead. Dr. Don Yeomans of NASA says, "We cannow rule out any impact possibilities for February 1st,2019." But although... continued
UFO Over Andrews Air Force Base
July 27, 2002Residents living near Andrews Air Force base in Maryland,close to Washington D.C, saw a UFO being chased by Air Forcejets at 2 am Friday morning, July 26. "Incredible. Absolutely incredible," says Renny Rogers. Hesaw a large blue ball of light... continued
UFOs Over Argentina
July 27, 2002A UFO was seen in the town of Campamento Vespucio inArgentina between 8:50 and 9:30 pm on Monday, July 22.According to the newpaper "El Tribuno," it was a large,round, intensely bright object. Residents took to the streets to look at... continued
WebTV Virus Calls the Cops
July 26, 2002A virus is being sent to people who use WebTV. When theattachment is opened, it causes the unit to shut down andrestart--but instead of dialing the normal access number,the machine is reprogrammed to dial 911. This was discoveredwhen police turned... continued
A Vampire Speaks Out
July 26, 2002You're surrounded by vampires, although you may not know it,says Arlene Russo, who edits "Bite Me" magazine in the U.K.She says, "The people I meet whose lives have beentransformed by vampires are not devil-worshipping blooddrinkers; or if they are, they... continued
The Monkey Man is Back!
July 26, 2002A year ago, residents of Delhi in India were terrorized byattacks from an elusive creature they called the MonkeyMan. Now Patra, another city in India, is facing similarattacks. "There are rumors of a monkey-like machine, referred to as the monkey-man... continued
Sun Storms on the Rise
July 26, 2002The NOAA Space Environment Center has issued a bulletinwarning that a major sunspot region is raging on the part ofthe sun that's visible from the Earth. This same area hasbeen the source of 3 other powerful coronal mass ejections, startingJuly... continued
Unexpected Dangers of Terrorism
July 26, 2002Terrorists who blow up buildings--or themselves--may beeven more deadly than they seem. Suicide bombers not only bring death, they can bring diseaseto the victims who survive. Israeli doctors have discovered that hepatitis and other blood-borne diseases can be passed on... continued
Dreamland Sells Out Another Book
July 26, 2002When we had Peter Levenda on Dreamland June 22, speaking tous live from his home in Malaysia about his book "UnholyAlliance," we had no idea we were going to sell his book out of every store in the country. His... continued