Dreamland Sells Out Another Book

July 26, 2002
When we had Peter Levenda on Dreamland June 22, speaking tous live from his home in Malaysia about his book "UnholyAlliance," we had no idea we were going to sell his book out of every store in the country. His... continued

WebTV Virus Calls the Cops

July 26, 2002
A virus is being sent to people who use WebTV. When theattachment is opened, it causes the unit to shut down andrestart--but instead of dialing the normal access number,the machine is reprogrammed to dial 911. This was discoveredwhen police turned... continued

Hum Now Heard in Canada

July 25, 2002
What's become known as the "Mysterious Hum" -- anunrelenting rumble that has driven citizens of Taos, NewMexico and Kokomo, Indiana, absolutely nuts -- has nowarrived in Victoria, Canada. It's been described as sounding like the low rumble of adiesel engine.... continued

Mutilations by Mice?

July 25, 2002
The cattle mutilations in Argentina that have been describedon Dreamland by Linda Howe have been explained as beingcaused by a species of mouse that exists only in parts ofSouth America. In April, Argentinian veterinarian Daniel Belot wascontacted by a rancher... continued

Building Block of Life in Space

July 25, 2002
An amino acid that is one of the building blocks of life onEarth has been found in deep space. This means that thechemistry needed to create life is not unique to Earth,making it more likely that life exists on other... continued

How to Hit in Baseball

July 25, 2002
Mathematician Bruce Bukiet, of the New Jersey Institute ofTechnology, has figured out something many coaches haven't:how to have the perfect batting line-up. Baseball teamswould play better if coaches did away with the traditionalbatting line-up, he says. Putting the best batter... continued

World Crop Circle Meditation Today

July 24, 2002
Joachim Koch & Hans-Jurgen Kyborg of Germany are leading thefirst worldwide crop circle meditation at 11:00 pm BritishSummer Time at Avebury on July 24th. This meditation, whichhas the backing of many native peoples around the world, isto communicate to whomever... continued

SETI Says ET May Be Here

July 24, 2002
Dr. Jill Tarter, long-time director of SETI, has announced areversal of decades of official policy. She has now statedclearly that finding evidence of ET activity in our solarsystem should not be considered unthinkable. Tarter told Space.com that she believes extraterrestrialscould... continued

Arabs Want to Go West

July 24, 2002
A UN study has found that most of the young men and women inArab countries want to leave home and move to the West."Remarkably, 51 percent of older youths expressed a desireto emigrate to other countries, clearly indicating theirdissatisfaction with... continued

Starlink Forever

July 24, 2002
John Wichtrich, a top executive from Aventis, the companythat manufactures genetically-modified StarLink corn, saysthe world's food supply will never be able to get rid of theGM corn. Since StarLink contamination is inevitable,Wichtrich is calling for a change in federal regulations... continued