Starlink Forever

July 24, 2002
John Wichtrich, a top executive from Aventis, the companythat manufactures genetically-modified StarLink corn, saysthe world's food supply will never be able to get rid of theGM corn. Since StarLink contamination is inevitable,Wichtrich is calling for a change in federal regulations... continued

Asteroid May Hit Earth in 18 Years

July 24, 2002
An asteroid was discovered a few weeks ago that astronomersthink will impact the Earth 18 years from now. The asteroid,known as NT7, has an orbit that's on a collision course withEarth and if nothing changes, it will hit us on... continued

Elephant Talk

July 23, 2002
Elephants may be talking back and forth with their feet,through vibrations they pick up from the ground. StanfordUniversity biologist Caitlin O'Connell-Rodwell, says, "Forpeople who have spent time studying elephants, this is arelief. They finally understand some strange things thatwere happening... continued

Breast Feeding Helps Prevent Cancer

July 23, 2002
Western women could reduce their breast cancer risk bynearly 60% if they breastfed their children longer. Thishelps explain why breast cancer is now a major killer,despite being almost unknown 200 years ago. Having an average of six children and breastfeeding... continued

Has the Sixth Extinction Started?

July 23, 2002
Scientists think we may be in the middle of the sixth massextinction in the history of the Earth. A UN report warnsthat 1,183 (12%) of bird species and 1,130 (nearlyone-fourth) of all mammal species are threatened withextinction. Mass extinctions have... continued

Saudi Seminaries Teaching Terrorism

July 23, 2002
Arab countries are funding 7,000 Islamic seminaries aroundthe world that train young terrorists. The funding comesmostly from Saudi Arabia and is sent to seminaries incountries such as Bosnia, Pakistan and Uzbekistan. Rep. Edward Royce, a California Republican, recentlyreturned from a... continued

Will WorldCom Take the Internet Down?

July 22, 2002
Bankrupt WorldCom may take the internet down with it. Theauction site eBay is already busy makingcontingency plans. "If the service ain't there, it ain'tthere. That's the bottom line," says eBay spokesman KevinPursglove. "It doesn't matter why or how it happened.... continued

Anne’s Diary: UFO Witnesses are the Real Skeptics

July 22, 2002
When Richard Dolan, author of the superb history "UFOs andthe National Security State," was on Dreamland July 20, hereminded us that 50 years ago, UFOs flying over WashingtonD.C. were seen by many credible witnesses and the event wasreported in newspapers... continued

New Nautilus Crop Circle

July 22, 2002
A new crop circle in the shape of a shell has beendiscovered near the ancient Pewsey White Horse formation inthe U.K. Crop circle researchers Charles Mallett and hiswife Frances, who run the nearby Silent Circle Caf NOTE: This news story,... continued

Genetically Modified DNA Absorbed by our Bodies

July 22, 2002
Scientists now have proof, for the first time, that bacteriain the human intestines can absorb DNA from geneticallymodified food. Although the amount absorbed is small andonly occurs during special circumstances, opponents of GMfoods warn that if intestinal bacteria can absorbantibiotic-resistant... continued