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New Nautilus Crop Circle
July 22, 2002A new crop circle in the shape of a shell has beendiscovered near the ancient Pewsey White Horse formation inthe U.K. Crop circle researchers Charles Mallett and hiswife Frances, who run the nearby Silent Circle Caf NOTE: This news story,... continued
Genetically Modified DNA Absorbed by our Bodies
July 22, 2002Scientists now have proof, for the first time, that bacteriain the human intestines can absorb DNA from geneticallymodified food. Although the amount absorbed is small andonly occurs during special circumstances, opponents of GMfoods warn that if intestinal bacteria can absorbantibiotic-resistant... continued
Orphaned Whale Searching for Mom
July 22, 2002Newly-hatched ducklings have been known to follow afarmer around, thinking he's Mom. Now an orphaned killerwhale, who was rescued from the busy Puget Sound, isrejecting her family for the company of boats. When the two-year-old baby named Springer hears the... continued
Glaciers Melting Faster Than We Thought
July 22, 2002A new study shows that glaciers in Alaska are melting evenfaster than we thought. Anthony Arendt of the University ofAlaska used laser altimetry to measure the changes in volumeof 67 Alaskanglaciers over four decades. "Glaciers in Alaska seem to bethinning... continued
Will WorldCom Take the Internet Down?
July 22, 2002Bankrupt WorldCom may take the internet down with it. Theauction site eBay is already busy makingcontingency plans. "If the service ain't there, it ain'tthere. That's the bottom line," says eBay spokesman KevinPursglove. "It doesn't matter why or how it happened.... continued
Anne’s Diary: UFO Witnesses are the Real Skeptics
July 22, 2002When Richard Dolan, author of the superb history "UFOs andthe National Security State," was on Dreamland July 20, hereminded us that 50 years ago, UFOs flying over WashingtonD.C. were seen by many credible witnesses and the event wasreported in newspapers... continued
Don’t Get Out on Friday
July 19, 2002If you end up in the hospital, try to get dischargedmidweek. A Canadian study shows that patients who aredischarged from hospitals on Fridays are more likely to diein the following month than those who are sent home midweek. Chaim Bell... continued
Smoking Mothers Can Make Daughters Infertile
July 19, 2002If you smoke while pregnant, your daughters may not grow upto be able to have children of their own. Researchersbelieve this is because smoke from tobacco damages theirdeveloping fallopian tubes, where fertilization of the eggtakes place. Researchers did a study... continued
Stricter GM Food Labeling in Europe, But None Here
July 19, 2002The European Parliament has voted to introduce stricterlabeling on foods containing genetically modifiedingredients. Right now, only food with more than 1% of GMingredients has to be labeled. This means that GMingredients which do not necessarily show up in testing,such as... continued
Computer Terror
July 19, 2002U.S. intelligence officers believe images on the pro-Islamicwebsite Azzam contain secret messages. This has inspired somecomputer users to check images on the site carefully forsigns that they have been altered using free programsavailable online. However, Peter Honeyman, a computer expert... continued