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Anne’s Diary: UFO Witnesses are the Real Skeptics
July 22, 2002When Richard Dolan, author of the superb history "UFOs andthe National Security State," was on Dreamland July 20, hereminded us that 50 years ago, UFOs flying over WashingtonD.C. were seen by many credible witnesses and the event wasreported in newspapers... continued
Don’t Get Out on Friday
July 19, 2002If you end up in the hospital, try to get dischargedmidweek. A Canadian study shows that patients who aredischarged from hospitals on Fridays are more likely to diein the following month than those who are sent home midweek. Chaim Bell... continued
Smoking Mothers Can Make Daughters Infertile
July 19, 2002If you smoke while pregnant, your daughters may not grow upto be able to have children of their own. Researchersbelieve this is because smoke from tobacco damages theirdeveloping fallopian tubes, where fertilization of the eggtakes place. Researchers did a study... continued
Stricter GM Food Labeling in Europe, But None Here
July 19, 2002The European Parliament has voted to introduce stricterlabeling on foods containing genetically modifiedingredients. Right now, only food with more than 1% of GMingredients has to be labeled. This means that GMingredients which do not necessarily show up in testing,such as... continued
Computer Terror
July 19, 2002U.S. intelligence officers believe images on the pro-Islamicwebsite Azzam contain secret messages. This has inspired somecomputer users to check images on the site carefully forsigns that they have been altered using free programsavailable online. However, Peter Honeyman, a computer expert... continued
Welsh are the True Brits
July 18, 2002Gene scientists have found proof that the Welsh are the "real" English, despite the fact that the English have always been prejudiced towards them. The people who think of themselves as English are actually descended from Anglo-Saxons who invaded Britain... continued
Dangerous Deer
July 18, 2002Hunters are out in the woods in southwestern Wisconsin, trying to kill every single deer in order to halt the outbreak of Chronic Wasting Disease, which is related to Mad Cow Disease. The Department of Natural Resources has asked hunters... continued
Man Eating Fish
July 18, 2002Hundreds of meat eating fish that are usually only found in China are living in a pond in Maryland, where a pet owner dumped them. There?s concern these will continue to multiply until they wipe out the native species of... continued
Secret Underground Computer Network
July 18, 2002During the Cold War, authors would sometimes discover that their books were being published underground and distributed clandestinely to interested readers in the Soviet Union. No one in the West ever saw these books, or got any royalties from them,... continued
Sniffer Bees
July 17, 2002Why is that fruit in the grocery store looks wonderful buttastes so dull and flavorless? Are you tired of buying amelon, waiting until it seems ripe, then cutting it openonly to find it's tasteless? It's hard to select good fruit,since... continued