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Is Bin-Laden Alive?
July 17, 2002Abdel-Bari Atwan, editor of the Arabic newspaper Al-Quds inLondon, has been told that Osama Bin Laden is still alive. He says bin-Laden was wounded in an attack on his Tora Boramountain base in Afghanistan last December. Atwan is one offew... continued
Motherly Aggression
July 16, 2002Spanking can cause children to grow up to beaggressive and abusive adults, according to psychologistElizabeth Thompson Gershoff of the National Center forChildren in Poverty at Columbia University, who analyzed 88different studies on spanking. Spanking works - it's usually followed by... continued
Mystery of the Rosslyn Cubes
July 16, 2002The 213 cube symbols carved into the stone ceiling ofRosslyn Chapel in Scotland, built by the Knights Templar in1477, remain a mystery. Some people believe they?re a kindof musical notation system that records a melody of greatspiritual significance to the... continued
GM Crops May Contaminate Food Supply
July 16, 2002A group of consumer and environmental groups in the U.S. isasking the USDA to prohibit a new kind of GM crop that couldcontaminate our food supply. These are crops that areengineered to contain prescription drugs or industrialchemicals. The news crops... continued
Spies Among Us
July 16, 2002The Bush Administration plans to recruit millions of us asspies in the new Terrorism Information and Prevention System(TIPS). The program wants 4 per cent of Americans to report"suspicious activity." The last time we were encouraged tospy on each other here... continued
Insight: UFOs and the National Security State by Jacques Vallee
July 16, 2002Those of us who have studied UFOs for many years arefamiliar with the researcher Dr. Jacques Vallee, who wroteground-breaking books on the subject such as Passport toMagonia. Vallee retired from the UFO world about 10 yearsago for unknown reasons, perhaps... continued
Forensic Evidence of Reincarnation
July 15, 2002Is there a scientific basis for reincarnation? Indianforensic scientist Vikram Raj Singh Chauhan is trying toprove reincarnation is real. He has presented his findingsat the National Conference of Forensic Scientists in India. Chauhan has discovered a six-year-old boy named TaranjijtSingh... continued
Do Video Games Damage the Brain?
July 15, 2002A Japanese surgeon claims that video games can damage thebrain. Akio Mori, a cranial nerve specialist at NihonUniversity College of Humanities and Sciences in Tokyo, sayshe?s concerned about the impact of video games on children'sbrains, after he recorded a lack... continued
A Cure for Paralysis
July 15, 2002There may finally be a cure for paralysis. Alan Mackay-Simof Griffith University in Australia thinks nerve cells froma patient's own nose could be used to regenerate severednerves. His team plans to experiment on 8 people who have beenparalyzed from the... continued
Understanding Saddam Hussein
July 15, 2002On June 15, popular guest William Henry came on Dreamland totell us that Saddam Hussein believes he is the reincarnationof Nebuchadnezzar, a legendary Babylonian king who ismentioned in the Old Testament. CIA psychological profiler Jerrold Post agrees and saysSaddam "represents... continued