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A Cure for Paralysis
July 15, 2002There may finally be a cure for paralysis. Alan Mackay-Simof Griffith University in Australia thinks nerve cells froma patient's own nose could be used to regenerate severednerves. His team plans to experiment on 8 people who have beenparalyzed from the... continued
Understanding Saddam Hussein
July 15, 2002On June 15, popular guest William Henry came on Dreamland totell us that Saddam Hussein believes he is the reincarnationof Nebuchadnezzar, a legendary Babylonian king who ismentioned in the Old Testament. CIA psychological profiler Jerrold Post agrees and saysSaddam "represents... continued
Air Force Almost Admitted UFOs Are Real
July 12, 2002Dr. Bruce Maccabee writes, "Fifty years ago, during the mostamazing flap of flying saucer sightings in the USA (and theworld), the Air Force almost admitted that at least somesightings of UFOs/saucers were sightings of objects not madehere. However, when that... continued
Fill Up at Home
July 12, 2002One day you may be driving a non-polluting SUV that runs onnatural gas. There are more 110,000 of them on Americanroads already, although most are taxis or delivery vans. Compressed natural gas (CNG) cars have a maximum range of200 miles... continued
We Are Older Than We Thought
July 12, 2002Michel Brunet has found a skull that?s between 6 and 7million years old in the African nation of Chad that he?snamed Touma?. The skull is the oldest human fossil everfound, and comes from the time when humans and chimpanzeeswere just... continued
July 12, 2002Richard Wool, of the University of Delaware, thinks chickenfeathers will make better microchips than silicon. Wool andhis colleagues at the university's ACRES project (AffordableComposites from Renewable Sources) are trying to find newways to use natural and waste materials. Unlike researchers... continued
Terrorists Among Us
July 12, 2002Five thousand al-Qaeda terrorists are secretly living in theU.S., according to intelligence agencies. Small groups ofabout a half-dozen men in Seattle, Chicago, Detroit andAtlanta are under surveillance by the FBI. Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld says some al-Qaedaterrorists have fled... continued
New Crop Circle Calendars Have Arrived
July 12, 2002Our new 2003 crop circle calendar is here! You can buy italone, as a set with our 2002 calendar, or as a threesomewith the 2001 calendar. These make wonderful gifts. We alsohave a beautiful new Crop Circle Lecture Video by... continued
Light Can Be Liquid
July 11, 2002Scientists have figured out how to change light into aliquid that forms drops and splashes off surfaces just likewater. Humberto Michinel at the University of Vigo in Italysays it would be ideal for optical computing, wheremicrochips sent light through optical... continued
Three Prehistoric Buddies
July 11, 2002Scientists have told us that we?re all descended from oneEve, like the ancient, primitive partial female skeletonthat archeologists named Lucy. They?ve never figured outwhat happened to the Neanderthals?did they intermix with ourancestors or did they die out? Now it?s been... continued