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White Parents Have Black Twins
July 10, 2002It had to happen: white parents who underwent in-vitrofertilization have given birth to black twins. The whitemother, who lives in the U.K., wants to keep the babies, buta black couple claims they belong to them. IVF involves mixing of the... continued
Sex May Be Bad for You
July 10, 2002Scientists have discovered that sex may be bad for yourhealth. When researchers studied why some insects have ashorter life span than others, they discovered their earlydemise is caused by hormones associated with sex. Dr. Jens Rolff and Dr. Michael Siva-Jothy... continued
Hindu Temple Heals Mental Illness
July 10, 2002A six-week stay at a Hindu temple in India has produced thesame healing in patients with severe psychiatric disordersas a month-long course of standard drugs. A team led byRamanathan Raguram of the National Institute of MentalHealth and Neurosciences in Bangalore... continued
Saudis Funding Palestinian Terrorists
July 10, 2002Documents captured during the Israeli military offensive inApril give evidence for Saudi financing of Palestinianmilitants. The documents give details about the flow offunds from Saudi government institutions to Hamas and theIslamic Jihad, two groups that recruit suicide bombers. According to... continued
Earth Cries Uncle!
July 9, 2002Human beings are demanding more of the Earth than it cancope with, according to new research?and we?ve had 50% moreimpact on it in just the last 40 years. One of theresearchers, Mathis Wackernagel of Oakland, California,claims that by 1961, we... continued
Searching for Ghosts in San Francisco
July 9, 2002There?s real ghost detecting going on in San Francisco, butLoyd Auerbach doesn?t want to bust them, he just wants toget proof that they exist. The Presidio, a former military post which is now part ofthe Golden Gate National Recreation Area,... continued
Radioactive Berries
July 9, 2002English researcher John Urquhart says that deaths anddeformities caused by fallout from the 1986 Chernobyldisaster, the world worst nuclear accident, may extendbeyond the Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. The radioactivecloud it sent over Europe could have increased infant deathsand birth defects... continued
Does Prayer Work?
July 9, 2002A recent study by Professor Leonard Leibovici, of the RabinMedical Center in Israel, provides evidence that prayer canheal. The objective of the study was, according to Leibovici, ?Todetermine whether remote, retroactive intercessory prayer,said for a group of patients with a... continued
Beer May Prevent Heart Attacks
July 8, 2002All those guys with huge beer bellies who are downing bottleafter bottle of brew only seem unhealthy?they?re actuallyprotecting themselves against heart attacks. Doctors think that folic acid, which is found in beer, helpsprevent heart disease. At the Institute of Food... continued
Quarks Cause Earthquakes
July 8, 2002Geologists at Southern Methodist University say they havefound evidence of Strange Quark Nuggets (SQNs), which arevery tiny superdense balls of matter that were formed duringthe Big Bang and still exist in the universe. The proof thatSQNs exist is two earthquakes... continued