Beer May Prevent Heart Attacks

July 8, 2002
All those guys with huge beer bellies who are downing bottleafter bottle of brew only seem unhealthy?they?re actuallyprotecting themselves against heart attacks. Doctors think that folic acid, which is found in beer, helpsprevent heart disease. At the Institute of Food... continued

Quarks Cause Earthquakes

July 8, 2002
Geologists at Southern Methodist University say they havefound evidence of Strange Quark Nuggets (SQNs), which arevery tiny superdense balls of matter that were formed duringthe Big Bang and still exist in the universe. The proof thatSQNs exist is two earthquakes... continued

Is Bin Laden Dead?

July 8, 2002
It?s known that Osama bin-Laden has a serious case of kidneydisease and has had dialysis machines shipped to his varioushideouts. Now in his article ?Dust Bin? in the June 29, 2002issue of the English magazine ?The Spectator,? Mark Steyn, aBrit... continued

Poles Are About to Shift

July 8, 2002
The Earth?s magnetic field is showing signs of getting readyto shift, so that magnetic north will point towardsAntarctica and magnetic south will point north. Compasseswill point the wrong way, and migrating birds, fish andturtles will be affected. This won?t be... continued

You Really Do Weigh More on Carpet

July 5, 2002
Do you weigh more if you put your scales on a carpet than you do if they?re on a tile floor? This is a long-standing controversy among dieters. Now researchers say it?s true?you really do seem to weigh more if... continued

Russian Author Says UFOs are U.S. Secret Weapons

July 5, 2002
In his book ?Liquidation of the UFO,? published this year in Russia, Pavel Poluyan says that UFOs aren?t from outer space, but are secret U.S. aircraft first made in the 1940s and used to spy on the Soviets. In a... continued

Great Pyramids are Melting

July 5, 2002
After 4,000 years, the pyramids at Giza are melting away. A new study by the University of California and the University of Sohag in Egypt confirms that water damage, caused by nearby farming, urbanization and housing, has caused the water... continued

Terrorists Stealing Flight Crew Uniforms

July 5, 2002
When it comes to airport security, the news has focused on the shoe bomber and the terrorist shooting at the LAX El Al ticket counter. But in the background, something less dramatic but potentially even more dangerous has been going... continued

Exquisite New Crop Circle

July 5, 2002
An extraordinary crop circle has appeared in the U.K. To see a photo of the circle,click here. To see images of past crop circles,click here. NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed. continued

Are Your Kids Too Clean?

July 4, 2002
If you bathe your baby everyday, he or she may have a higher risk of developing asthma or eczema. Scientists at the University of Bristol in the U.K. say a child's immune system needs exposure to dirt in order to... continued