A Surprising Antidepressant

July 1, 2002
Semen makes you happy, according to a report comparing women who have sex using condoms with those who have unprotected sex. The study shows that the women who were directly exposed to semen, because a condom wasn't used, were less... continued

GM Fish Could Wipe Out Species

July 1, 2002
Researchers have discovered that genetically tinkering with fish can cause the opposite effect of evolution: the survival of the LEAST fit and the eventual extinction of a species. It would take just one genetically-modified fish to wipe out local populations... continued

Is There Such a Thing as SHC?

June 28, 2002
Throughout history, there have been stories and even photos of people who were victims of Spontaneous Human Combustion. One of these occurred in 1951, when Mary Hardy Reeser burned up. Little was left of her body?the chair she was sitting... continued

How to Avoid Dangerous Steaks

June 28, 2002
One of the joys of summer is being able to slap a steak on the charcoal grill. There's only one problem: grilling meat can cause it to become cancerous. Carcinogenic heterocyclic amines are created from the amino acids in the... continued

What Makes GM Crops Dangerous?

June 28, 2002
The United Nations World Food Summit met recently to decide whether genetically-modified crops will save poor countries from famine or will contaminate normal crops, presenting a danger to food supplies around the world. Despite a ban on planting GM corn... continued

First World Pollution Causes African Starvation

June 28, 2002
We?re accustomed to seeing the faces of pitiful, starving African children staring out at us from advertisements. They?re emaciated, standing on parched and cracked earth, and appealing to us for aid. Now it turns out we may be the cause... continued

TV Causes Anorexia

June 27, 2002
Doctors now have concrete evidence that TV watching causes eating disorders in teenage girls. It?s long been suspected that skinny actresses like Ally McBeal make teenage girls feel fat, even if they?re not. Now a major study examining the impact... continued

Mysterious Gap About to be Filled

June 27, 2002
Those of us who remember the Presidency of Richard Nixon still wonder what was on that 18 ? minute gap that got erased in one of his White House recordings. As Senator Howard Baker demanded during the investigation of the... continued

Smoking?Lung Cancer isn?t the Only Problem

June 27, 2002
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of the World Health Organization warns that lung cancer isn?t the only type of cancer caused by smoking and passive smoke inhalation. Cancers of the stomach, liver, cervix and kidney and myeloid... continued

Even Pigs Can’t Survive on GM Corn

June 27, 2002
Pig farmers are having major breeding problems from feeding their animals genetically-engineered corn. Despite 30 years of experience farming in Shelby County, Iowa, Jerry Rosman couldn't figure out why the birthrates of piglets fell 80%. He tested for diseases and... continued