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Terror Via Computer
July 4, 2002Until recently, the U.S. thought al-Qaeda was too unsophisticated to attack in cyberspace and figured they would continue trying to attack us with airplanes and dirty bombs. Now they?re changing their minds. The FBI and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory... continued
For Sex, Use the Patch
July 3, 2002Gals: If you decide to go for hormone replacement therapy (HRT), the patch is better than the pill when it comes to your sex life. "HRT, when administered via a patch, allows a woman's body to better utilize the androgens... continued
People Made Sick by Animals?and Vice-Versa
July 3, 2002There?s lots of circumstantial evidence that pets in the home can cause allergies and asthma, but scientists aren?t sure exactly how it works. For instance, a recent study in Finland found that the risk of developing asthma was higher among... continued
Block That Cellphone!
July 3, 2002Complaints about cellphones have gone from possible radiation dangers to the annoyance of hearing people?s private conversations everywhere you go. Ever wish you could block the cellphone of the person chattering away next to you? Soon you may be able... continued
Toxic Sludge is Good for Fish
July 3, 2002The Army Corps of Engineers' is dumping toxic sludge into the Potomac River, which is a designated American Heritage river. According to an internal Environmental Protection Agency document, fish are not being harmed because the sludge causes them to flee... continued
Store@Unknowncountry.com E-Mail Problem
July 3, 2002The store at Unknowncountry.com reports that their e-mail is temporarily not working. E-mails sent to store@unknowncountry.com are being returned undeliverable. This problem is being addressed and will be resolved today, Thursday, July 3. The store's 800 number and order page... continued
Monsters Lurking in the Depths of the Sea
July 2, 2002Scientists are searching the last unexplored terrain on Earth, where strange creatures are hiding that have never been seen by the eye of man. Where is this??Down deep in the ocean. "We know more about the dark side of the... continued
Global Warming is Destroying National Parks
July 2, 2002You?d better not postpone that trip to a national park much longer, because scientists say global warming is destroying U.S. parks, forests, marine sanctuaries and wildlife refuges. An environmental group called the Bluewater Network plans to file petitions with the... continued
Warning of July 4 Attack
July 2, 2002The FBI has issued regular warnings of possible terrorist attacks since September 11 and none of them have come to pass. We?re relieved, but it has caused us to start to tune these warnings out. The FBI is afraid the... continued
The Wrath of a Madman
July 2, 2002How is Saddam Hussein reacting to President Bush?s threat to do away with him? For the real scoop, we go to the Kurdish Institute. The Kurds, long-time enemies of Saddam, report on a secret meeting of the Hussein family and... continued