Monsters Lurking in the Depths of the Sea

July 2, 2002
Scientists are searching the last unexplored terrain on Earth, where strange creatures are hiding that have never been seen by the eye of man. Where is this??Down deep in the ocean. "We know more about the dark side of the... continued

Global Warming is Destroying National Parks

July 2, 2002
You?d better not postpone that trip to a national park much longer, because scientists say global warming is destroying U.S. parks, forests, marine sanctuaries and wildlife refuges. An environmental group called the Bluewater Network plans to file petitions with the... continued

Warning of July 4 Attack

July 2, 2002
The FBI has issued regular warnings of possible terrorist attacks since September 11 and none of them have come to pass. We?re relieved, but it has caused us to start to tune these warnings out. The FBI is afraid the... continued

A Surprising Antidepressant

July 1, 2002
Semen makes you happy, according to a report comparing women who have sex using condoms with those who have unprotected sex. The study shows that the women who were directly exposed to semen, because a condom wasn't used, were less... continued

GM Fish Could Wipe Out Species

July 1, 2002
Researchers have discovered that genetically tinkering with fish can cause the opposite effect of evolution: the survival of the LEAST fit and the eventual extinction of a species. It would take just one genetically-modified fish to wipe out local populations... continued

Fighting Fires from Space

July 1, 2002
With fires rampaging through the western United States, we desperately need some new, sophisticated fire fighting equipment. Now we have it: the GOES satellite, a weather satellite 23,000 miles away, in orbit around the Earth. U.S. and Canadian firefighters are... continued

Schools Bring Terrorists to the U.S.

July 1, 2002
"In a very critical sense, the U.S. has delegated its role in selecting immigrants to thousands of institutions whose incentives do not coincide with the national interest," says George J. Borjas of the Center for Immigration Studies, an organization that... continued

Is There Such a Thing as SHC?

June 28, 2002
Throughout history, there have been stories and even photos of people who were victims of Spontaneous Human Combustion. One of these occurred in 1951, when Mary Hardy Reeser burned up. Little was left of her body?the chair she was sitting... continued

How to Avoid Dangerous Steaks

June 28, 2002
One of the joys of summer is being able to slap a steak on the charcoal grill. There's only one problem: grilling meat can cause it to become cancerous. Carcinogenic heterocyclic amines are created from the amino acids in the... continued

What Makes GM Crops Dangerous?

June 28, 2002
The United Nations World Food Summit met recently to decide whether genetically-modified crops will save poor countries from famine or will contaminate normal crops, presenting a danger to food supplies around the world. Despite a ban on planting GM corn... continued