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Smoking?Lung Cancer isn?t the Only Problem
June 27, 2002The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of the World Health Organization warns that lung cancer isn?t the only type of cancer caused by smoking and passive smoke inhalation. Cancers of the stomach, liver, cervix and kidney and myeloid... continued
Even Pigs Can’t Survive on GM Corn
June 27, 2002Pig farmers are having major breeding problems from feeding their animals genetically-engineered corn. Despite 30 years of experience farming in Shelby County, Iowa, Jerry Rosman couldn't figure out why the birthrates of piglets fell 80%. He tested for diseases and... continued
Anne?s Diary: Is There Life After Death?
June 27, 2002Anne Strieber asks the Eternal Question and tells how our scientists are working to give us the answer. To read Anne?s Diary,click here. NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed. continued
TV Causes Anorexia
June 27, 2002Doctors now have concrete evidence that TV watching causes eating disorders in teenage girls. It?s long been suspected that skinny actresses like Ally McBeal make teenage girls feel fat, even if they?re not. Now a major study examining the impact... continued
Mysterious Gap About to be Filled
June 27, 2002Those of us who remember the Presidency of Richard Nixon still wonder what was on that 18 ? minute gap that got erased in one of his White House recordings. As Senator Howard Baker demanded during the investigation of the... continued
Appalachians Came From India
June 26, 2002A small population in Appalachia has been linked to an ancient tribe in India by DNA. Kevin Jones, a biologist from the University of Virginia, says that he has discovered a rare DNA sequence in the area that is shared... continued
We?re in Space?What?s All That Noise!
June 26, 2002People who listen to loud rock music may lose some of their hearing. Astronauts are worried about the same thing, because there?s such a racket inside the International Space Station (ISS), you can hardly hear yourself think. Fans, compressors, motors,... continued
Genetically-Modified Silent Spring
June 26, 2002Rachel Carson wrote the book "Silent Spring" years ago to warn that the use of the pesticide DDT was killing America?s songbirds. Now our birds have another enemy: herbicide-tolerant genetically-modified crops. These crops enable farmers to spray herbicides on their... continued
Georgia is Burning Too
June 26, 2002Horror stories about the raging wildfires in Colorado and Arizona have been on the front pages of our newspapers every day for the past few months. But another major fire, burning in Georgia, has been ignored by the media. Fires... continued
It?s Spiderman?No, Spidergoat
June 25, 2002As wary as we are about genetically-modified food, we?re tempted to succumb when new products are created that improve our personal lives, instead of simply making things easier for huge farming conglomerates. Perhaps GM companies will try to win us... continued