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New Way to Fight Wildfires
June 25, 2002As wildfires engulf large parts of Arizona and Colorado, firefighters are searching desperately for a new way to fight them. It?s dangerous for fighters to get in front of the flames, so they end up fighting the fire from behind,... continued
A Warmer Planet is a Sicker Planet
June 25, 2002Scientists warn that infectious diseases will rise as the world gets warmer. Human malaria, butterflies with parasites, diseased corals, and trees overgrown with fungus are some of the things awaiting us as the Earth warms up. Entire species of animals... continued
Saddam Tortures Children
June 25, 2002An assassination attempt on Saddam Hussein?s son Qusai, who is the heir to his throne, means that succession may not be as smooth as Saddam would like. There are rumors that Saddam may want to voluntarily step down in favor... continued
Mars was Once a Wet World
June 24, 2002Scientists who claim there could never have been life on Mars have always pointed out that liquid water is needed for sophisticated life forms to exist. Even when it was discovered that water is trapped on Mars underground or in... continued
Genetically-Modified Bugs
June 24, 2002When it come to genetic engineering, it?s the Battle of the Bugs. Scientists are producing GM plants that are resistant to certain types of insects?but then they turn out to be even more vulnerable to other insects. Scientists decide to... continued
Dirty Bomb Materials Lost in Russia
June 24, 2002Large boxes of powdered Caesium 137, a powerfully radioactive substance that can be used to make dirty bombs, have been lost in the former Soviet Union. Unlike the solid Strontium-90 used in nuclear power plants that has been misplaced in... continued
Syria Finding Terrorists for U.S.
June 24, 2002President Assad of Syria says his country?s intelligence operatives, who are notorious for using torture to get information, are secretly cooperating with American agents in the fight against al-Qaeda. He?s miffed because Syria, which has been our enemy for many... continued
Sex Doesn?t Sell
June 21, 2002Viewers are constantly complaining about too much sex and violence on television (even though these shows have the highest ratings). Lots of sex and violence attracts viewers aged 18 to 34, which are the ones advertisers want to reach most.... continued
ANOTHER Close Call
June 21, 2002Another huge asteroid passed by Earth on June 14, and this time it was even closer to us than the moon. Although it passed by on Friday, it wasn?t detected until the following Monday, so we would have been taken... continued
More Acres Burn Daily in West
June 21, 2002An old gospel lyric goes like this: ?God gave Noah the rainbow sign, No more water?the fire next time.? These days, it seems as if that time has come. Firefighters say they?ll have to fight the wildfire in Colorado for... continued