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ANOTHER Close Call
June 21, 2002Another huge asteroid passed by Earth on June 14, and this time it was even closer to us than the moon. Although it passed by on Friday, it wasn?t detected until the following Monday, so we would have been taken... continued
Saudis Bringing al Qaeda Terrorists Home
June 21, 2002Starting in January, Saudi Arabia airlifted hundreds of al-Qaeda terrorists from Iran on government jets and brought them home. The Saudi terrorists had escaped into Iran while running from U.S. troops in Afghanistan. We are supposed to be allies of... continued
Review of New Crop Circle Video
June 20, 2002Crop Circle Video #7 from Michael Glickman has just arrived in our unknowncountry.com store all the way from the U.K. Tania Woodward, who reviewed the video for swirlednews.com, says, ?Just over 50 minutes later, I was in love again. No,... continued
Science Proves Life After Death
June 20, 2002Dr. Gary Schwartz, who trained at Harvard University and is the author of ?The Afterlife Experiments,? has done experiments proving that dead people can communicate with the living?and vice-versa. "Human beings are like stars," he says. "We are constantly emitting... continued
Musicians Have More Gray Matter
June 20, 2002Professional musicians have more gray matter in the part of the brain that processes music. This may explain why some people seem to be born musicians, while the rest of us struggle with piano lessons. But scientists aren?t sure whether... continued
First Americans Were Australians
June 20, 2002The first Americans were descended from Australian aborigines, according to new evidence presented in a BBC documentary. The program, called Ancient Voices, shows that the dimensions of prehistoric skulls found in Brazil match those of the aboriginal peoples of Australia... continued
Evidence of UFO Visitations
June 20, 2002Chinese scientists have found a pyramid-shaped relic that local legends say was left by visitors from space. The structure is 165-198 feet tall and is on top of Mount Baigong. It has three caves with triangular openings on its front... continued
Alaska is Melting
June 19, 2002In Alaska, they know that global warming is real, because the average temperature has risen about seven degrees over the last 30 years. No other state in the U.S. is experiencing a greater change in weather than Alaska, according to... continued
Saddam May Step Down Before He?s Taken Out
June 19, 2002The French newspaper L?Express reports that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein may be stepping down soon in favor of his younger son Qusai. Saddam has 2 sons, Qusai and Uday, and it has long been assumed that Qusai will succeed his... continued
Autograph an Asteroid
June 19, 2002First tourists were paying big bucks to visit the International Space Station?now the Japanese are arranging for people to autograph an asteroid. The Japanese Muses-C spacecraft is the first craft designed to visit an asteroid and return to Earth after... continued