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Will Denver Burn?
June 12, 2002Almost 90,000 acres have burned in wildfires in Colorado and now the out-of-control fire is headed for Denver. People still talk about the Chicago fire, a century ago, but no major city has burned for years. Will Denver burn? Forest... continued
How Dangerous Are Dirty Bombs?
June 12, 2002Science and military experts disagree somewhat on the potential devastation that would be caused by the explosion of a dirty bomb, like the kind the accused al-Qaeda terrorist Abdullah al Mujahir was allegedly planning to build. They all agree that... continued
TWA Flight 800 Video Now Available
June 12, 2002On May 18 Dreamland, Roger Aronoff gave us the inside information about the crash of TWA Flight 800 and told us about his award-winning video, which no television network or cable channel has been willing to show. This video is... continued
Criminal Chimp
June 11, 2002A criminal chimpanzee is leading the London police on a wild chase, after breaking into apartments and stealing cell phones and other valuable equipment. The police received reports of two burglaries at separate addresses in east London. A Scotland Yard... continued
Drugs, Booze, Bad Temper: It?s All in the Genes
June 11, 2002Don?t blame yourself for your bad behavior, blame it on your genes. A lot of things that go wrong in life can be traced back to our genetic make-up. Scientists have found that if you have a commonly-found mutation in... continued
Mysterious Rash Returns
June 11, 2002A mysterious rash has struck mainly young girls at schools across the nation since September 11. A recent New York Times Sunday magazine story said that no medical cause has been found for any of these rashes and researchers now... continued
FBI Prevented Dirty Bombing of D.C.
June 11, 2002The FBI have captured Abdullah Al Muhajir, a U.S. citizen with ties to al-Quaeda, who planned to explode a radioactive ?dirty bomb? in Washington, D.C. FBI Director Robert Mueller says the bomb plot was still in the "discussion stage." Al... continued
Lost Inca City Found
June 10, 2002A team of explorers has discovered the ruins of a lost city in Peru that has been hidden in a remote mountain jungle for over 500 years. The city is called Cota Coca and it?s not far from the well-known... continued
Dreamland Archive Fixed
June 10, 2002Our June 8 radio archive actually played the June 1 show this weekend, but it has now been fixed. If you click "Listen Now" at the top of our page, you can hear Michael Glickman's and Linda Howe's crop circle... continued
New Capitol Bldg.Will Have Retractable Dome
June 10, 2002Taxpayers beware: Major renovations are being planned for the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., which include a retractable dome. The new building will have more bathrooms and better parking. "Don't get us wrong: We love the drafty old building," says... continued