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Are Creative People Crazy?
June 5, 2002Are creative people crazy? Well?yes. Connie M. Strong of Stanford University has found that creative people share many personality traits with the mentally ill. Both creativity and manic depression, also called bipolar disorder, may exist due to the same genes.... continued
Earthquake Origins in Ocean Tides
June 5, 2002It seems like an earthquake happens somewhere every day. Scientists are trying to learn how to predict them and to understand what causes them. Now Maya Tolstoy of the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University says ocean tides may be... continued
Tea Time is Good for You
June 5, 2002Get out that tea pot and those dainty porcelain cups because scientists have declared that tea is good for your health. Drinking several cups of tea a day can help prevent heart attacks, protect bone density and guard against osteoporosis... continued
CIA Inside al-Qaeda?and Still Missed 911
June 4, 2002We?ve learned over recent weeks that the FBI and the CIA had many warnings about upcoming terrorist attacks that they either downplayed or ignored. We?ve been told that during the Clinton years, the CIA was told to stop recruiting a... continued
Secret Military Parts Sold on eBay
June 4, 2002Sensitive military aircraft parts ended up on eBay last week and a few were even sold, before the U.S. Air Force yanked them off the site. Norb Novocin, the dealer who put the parts up for sale, bought them legitimately... continued
Is China Really Our Friend?
June 4, 2002In China, the country that is supposed to be our good friend and trading partner, books, movies and video games glorifying the Sept. 11 strikes are selling like hotcakes. Most of these are actually being produced and distributed by the... continued
Oil Mysteriously Appearing in Dry Wells
June 4, 2002Around the world, geologists are noticing that old, dry oil wells are mysteriously filling back up. New oil is also being discovered in fields where it previously hasn?t existed. Mahlon Kennicutt of Texas A&M University thinks the new oil is... continued
Recording Bigfoot?s Voice
June 3, 2002Dr. Robert Benson of Texas A&M University in Corpus Christi did not believe in Big Foot, which is why he was asked by a T.V. producer to analyze possible audio evidence for a Bigfoot documentary being produced by the Discovery... continued
Old Smallpox Shots No Longer Work
June 3, 2002If you had a smallpox vaccination as a child and think you?re still protected, it?s not true. Almost everyone vaccinated before smallpox was eradicated in the mid-1970s has now lost their immunity. 621 microbiologists in Maryland received fresh vaccinations between... continued
Bush Says Global Warming Real?And Harmful
June 3, 2002President Bush has sent a report titled ?U.S. Climate Action Report 2002? to the United Nations, which details the specific and far-reaching effects that global warming will inflict on the U.S. environment. For the first time, the Bush administration blames... continued