Recording Bigfoot?s Voice

June 3, 2002
Dr. Robert Benson of Texas A&M University in Corpus Christi did not believe in Big Foot, which is why he was asked by a T.V. producer to analyze possible audio evidence for a Bigfoot documentary being produced by the Discovery... continued

Old Smallpox Shots No Longer Work

June 3, 2002
If you had a smallpox vaccination as a child and think you?re still protected, it?s not true. Almost everyone vaccinated before smallpox was eradicated in the mid-1970s has now lost their immunity. 621 microbiologists in Maryland received fresh vaccinations between... continued

Bush Says Global Warming Real?And Harmful

June 3, 2002
President Bush has sent a report titled ?U.S. Climate Action Report 2002? to the United Nations, which details the specific and far-reaching effects that global warming will inflict on the U.S. environment. For the first time, the Bush administration blames... continued

FBI Blunders & CIA Goofs

June 3, 2002
The FBI had a chance to infiltrate an al Qaeda training camp in Afghanistan months before September 11, but top FBI agents rejected the plan. U.S. News & World Reportsays an informant told a bureau field agent months before the... continued

Are Crop Circles Manmade?

May 31, 2002
Michael Glickman will tell us the latest news about crop circles on Dreamland June 1st. He writes in about the assertion, by crop circle researcher Colin Andrews, that 80% of crop circles are made by human beings?despite the fact... continued

Time Can be Changed to Work for You

May 31, 2002
Von Braschler will be on Dreamland June 1st to tell us how time can be slowed down and even ?frozen? and how athletes, healers and remote viewers have learned how to manipulate time. According to fundamental laws of physics, time... continued

INS ?Too Busy? to Check Out Terrorist Suspects

May 31, 2002
Murry Weiss writes in the New York Post that cops in New York had to free a suspicious gang of illegal Middle Eastern immigrants because the INS "didn't want to be bothered" on Memorial Day weekend. The police couldn?t figure... continued

Mysteries in the Clouds

May 31, 2002
Tiny microbes could be controlling our weather in an attempt to survive, according to Dr. Bruce Moffett and his team from the University of East London. They believe the airborne bacteria may be behind the formation of clouds and rainfall.... continued

Stolen Cyanide Found

May 30, 2002
Eighteen days ago, 70 drums of cyanide were stolen at gunpoint from a truck in Mexico. Every since, people in the states close to the Mexican border have been nervous about terrorists possibly using it to poison their drinking water.... continued

Baby Talk

May 30, 2002
Prospective parents can now "feel" a baby in the womb with the aid of a computer system that converts ultrasound images into a tactile virtual picture. A 3D ultrasound image of the baby is generated by layering successive 2D pictures... continued