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Oil Supplies Getting Low
May 30, 2002Global supplies of crude oil will peak as early as 2010 and then start to decline, ushering in an era of soaring energy prices and economic upheaval, according to an international group of oil specialists. They hope to persuade oil-dependent... continued
India Faces Earthquakes, as Well as Nukes
May 30, 2002Besides facing imminent nuclear war with Pakistan, India faces devastation from earthquakes, as well.Following an exhaustive geophysical and historical analysis, Roger Bilham and his team from Colorado University?s geological sciences department believe there will be one or more massive earthquakes... continued
FBI Agents Used 911 Info for Profit
May 30, 2002Anthony M. DeStefano reveals in Newsday that 2 FBI agents may have teamed up with an Egyptian money man to use classified information about 911 to make money in the stock market. Classified government information was found in their possession... continued
New Items on Sale
May 30, 2002We?re revamping our store?and making it better than ever. Starting June 7th, we?ll have a new 24 hour/7 day-a-week 800 number, so you can order during the show. We just moved our stock to new a new fulfillment house and... continued
Fighting Terrorism with Valium & Model Planes
May 29, 2002American military chiefs are developing plans to use Valium as a military weapon, according to official documents seen by Antony Barnett of The Observer Newspaper in the U.K. The Pentagon commissioned scientists at Pennsylvania State University to look at potential... continued
Lifelike Prehistoric Portraits Found in Cave
May 29, 2002The oldest lifelike portraits of human faces have been uncovered in a cave in southern France. The images were first discovered over 50 years ago, but were forgotten after doubts about their authenticity. Now German scientist Dr. Michael Rappenglueck, of... continued
Supernova Wipeout
May 29, 2002While doing research for a term paper, Karin Sandstrom, a student at Harvard University, discovered a star in our own backyard that is on the brink of exploding in a supernova. It?s so close that if it were to blow... continued
Killer Pollution Blows Around the World
May 29, 2002Microscopic particles of dust and soot are killing thousands of Californians each year. The Environmental Working Group - a Washington D.C.-based research and advocacy organization - reports that floating particles cause more than 9,300 deaths in the state each year.... continued
New Crop Circle in Germany
May 29, 2002To see an image of the new ?eclipse? crop circle,click here. Michael Glickman will be on Dreamland June 1st to talk about crop circles and their meanings. NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any... continued
Bigfoot in Cleveland (CA)
May 28, 2002A giant fossilized footprint has been found in the Cleveland National Forest in California, suggesting that Bigfoot may have once lived in the nearby mountains. To see the print, it?s necessary to climb more than a thousand feet up a... continued