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Bigfoot in Cleveland (CA)
May 28, 2002A giant fossilized footprint has been found in the Cleveland National Forest in California, suggesting that Bigfoot may have once lived in the nearby mountains. To see the print, it?s necessary to climb more than a thousand feet up a... continued
Modern Times for Men
May 28, 2002Married men who spend time with their wives and kids have lower testosterone levels than bachelors. The discovery suggests that having less of the hormone could play a part in encouraging men to devote their energies to the family rather... continued
Mad Cow Chicken?
May 28, 2002Fears that the infectious prion proteins that cause Mad Cow Disease could be present in chicken fillets have been raised after bovine (cow) protein was found in breast fillets tested by the Irish Food Safety Authority (FSAI). The tests were... continued
Mystery Mad Cow Deaths
May 28, 2002Two young men, ages 26 and 28, died last fall in the same Michigan hospital of a rare brain disease that occurs mainly in elderly people. The incident, which raises fears that the human form of mad cow disease is... continued
Mars Ice Water is Sign of Life
May 28, 2002Ice made from frozen water has been found in vast quantities just below the surface across great areas of Mars. The Ice crystals less than three feet below Mars? surface. If melted, they would created a planet-wide ocean more that... continued
New Anne?s Diary: Catholics in the Closet
May 28, 2002Does the large number of homosexual priests have anything to do with the recent sex scandals in the Catholic Church? Anne Strieber tackles this question head-on in her new Diary entry. To read Anne?s Diary,click here. NOTE: This news story,... continued
Blood Mystery Solved
May 27, 2002Radio hosts Paul Harvey and Art Bell reported on a story from Scotland Yard about a bouncer who was stabbed to death in the alley outside The Paradise Bar in London. Pools of blood were left behind after the victim... continued
Why Do Diets Fail?
May 27, 2002Most dieters regain their lost weight. Scientists say the newly discovered appetite-stimulating hormone ghrelin is what makes this happen. Jamie Cohen writes in abcnews.com that the hormone, which is secreted in the stomach, sends messages to the brain that fluctuate... continued
Mysteries of Jupiter
May 27, 2002Every 45 minutes a gigawatt pulse of x-rays courses through the solar system. "The pulses are coming from the north pole of Jupiter," says Randy Gladstone, a scientist at the Southwest Research Institute and leader of the team that made... continued
Dreaded Dust Bowl Returns
May 27, 2002The High Plains in southeastern Colorado were the heart of the 1930s Dust Bowl, and conditions today are as dry as they were 70 years ago. John Stulp, a wheat farmer, says, "We had to come out here with a... continued