Quantum Physics Fights Terrorism

May 21, 2002
John Hagelin is a world authority in unified quantum field theories. He says, ??Ourdefenses against terrorism are absolutely porous. And the government is expending, as you know, tens of billions of dollars in this global effort to stamp out terrorism,... continued

China Will Mine the Moon

May 21, 2002
China is planning to establish a base on the Moon to mine its mineral resources. Beijing has not yet put a human astronaut into space, but Chinese scientists say they expect to do so within three years. Ouyang Ziyuan, a... continued

Grave of Stonehenge Builder Found

May 21, 2002
A 4,000-year-old grave found near Stonehenge is one of the richest early Bronze Age sites ever discovered in Europe. "It's a fantastically important discovery both for the number of artifacts found in that grave and the range of artifacts. It's... continued

Earth Warming Faster Than Expected

May 21, 2002
Planet earth is warming up faster than previously expected, according to Geoff Jenkins, head of the Hadley Center for Climate Prediction and Research. Dying forests, expanding deserts and rising sea levels will wreak havoc on human and animal lives sooner... continued

Anthrax Scientists Taking Polygraph Tests

May 21, 2002
Pierre Thomas writes for abcnews.com that starting in June, the government will begin a wide-ranging program of polygraph testing to determine if one of its own employees is responsible for last year's anthrax attacks. 200 current and former employees at... continued

Vatican: Keep Sex Abuse Secret

May 20, 2002
Roman Catholic bishops should avoid telling congregations that their parish priests sexually abused children if the bishops believe the priests won?t do it again, according to Vatican official Gianfranco Ghirlanda. He says church leaders have no legal or moral responsibilities... continued

Threat of New Attack Bigger Than 911

May 20, 2002
U.S. intelligence agencies say, "There has been an increased level of [al Qaeda] chatter and activity," meaning another terrorist attack could be in the works. A government official says the volume of communications among suspected al Qaeda operatives "has definitely... continued

Cat Talk, Sniffer Bees & Glowing Fish

May 20, 2002
Cats, which have lived alongside people for thousands of years, have adapted their "meows" to better communicate with humans, according to Nicholas Nicastro and Michael Owren of Cornell University's Psychology of Voice and Sound Laboratory. "Cats are obviously very dependent... continued

Smoking Kills Brain Cells

May 20, 2002
Nicotine can kill brain cells and stop new ones forming in the hippocampus, a brain region involved in memory, says Pier Piazza of France's National Institute for Health and Medical Research (INSERM) in Bordeaux. The finding might explain the cognitive... continued

New Whitley?s Journal Entry

May 18, 2002
Whitley writes, ?After all these years, I have had another series of close encounters. I still don't know what actually happens during these experiences, and I probably would not have reported these, except that one of them involves a warning... continued