Antigravity Device Based on UFO?

May 16, 2002
Michelle Delio writes in that antigravity devices are being developed that could eventually change the world as we know it. The devices are known as "lifters." When charged with a small amount of electrical power, they levitate, apparently able... continued

Contrails Cause Climate Change

May 16, 2002
Scientists believe that contrails turn into larger cloudbanks that substantially alter the atmosphere's heat balance. They may even an important role in shaping our weather. Scientists have long suspected this may be true, but haven?t been able to test it... continued

Power Plant Terrorist Threat

May 16, 2002
U.S. intelligence officials have received threats that terrorists will strike a U.S. nuclear power plant on July 4. The threat received last week suggested that an unidentified Islamic terrorist group was planning to attack a nuclear power facility in the... continued

Alien Life Common

May 15, 2002
If there are other planets like Earth out there, at least one in three probably harbors life, according to Charles Lineweaver and Tamara Davis of the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. If life can arise on planets... continued

Chocolate Danger

May 15, 2002
A lawsuit was filed in May saying that chocolate contains levels of lead and cadmium that could be dangerous to children. The American Environmental Safety Institute went to court in Los Angeles claiming that some of the nation's largest candy... continued

Bush Was Warned About 911

May 15, 2002
Senior administration officials have admitted that President Bush's daily intelligence briefings in the weeks leading up to the September 11 terror attacks included a warning of the possibility that Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network would attempt to hijack a... continued

Microwave Power?Safe for Plants?

May 15, 2002
Microwaves derived from solar power and transmitted by orbiting satellites to electric power stations on Earth are being planned in order to create future energy self-sufficiency for the U.S. But are microwaves safe for plants here on Earth? The space... continued

Illegal Medical Tests on Inmates

May 15, 2002
Temple University instructor and prison activist Allen Hornblum is testifying in a lawsuit brought by prison inmates who say they have been injured and maimed due to years of illegal medical tests. The lawsuit, filed in October 2000 on behalf... continued

Tiny High-Speed Particles Impact Earth

May 14, 2002
Scientists have decided that two mysterious explosions in the 1990s were caused by mysterious tiny particles from space. The two objects were picked up by earthquake detectors as they tore through Earth at up to 900,000 mph. According to scientists,... continued

Search For Relatives of Ancient Mummies

May 14, 2002
Scientists are searching for the living relatives of the children that were sacrificed in Peru 500 years ago. Inca priests performed the ritual sacrifices four miles up on mountain peaks to appease their gods. The dead children became natural mummies,... continued