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Cellphones Make Commuting Dangerous
May 8, 2002Passengers on packed trains could be exposed to electromagnetic fields far higher than those recommended under international guidelines when large numbers of commuters all using their mobile phones at the same time. This can happen in buses, subway cars and... continued
Was Venus Once Like Earth?
May 8, 2002Although Earth and Venus are very similar in size, mass and density, Venus is covered in a thick layer of carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid that traps heat in and leads to extreme warming, which has made the planet much... continued
What Can We Do About Media Lies?
May 7, 2002After our popular Dreamland interview with Kristina Borjesson, author of ?Into the Buzzsaw? on Saturday night, about how big government and big media are influencing the media, one listener wrote: ?What can we do?? Kristina gives this answer: ?Do not... continued
Witches Stand Up for Their Rights
May 7, 2002The witches of Lancaster, California practice an ancient, Earth-centered religion known as Paganism. A group of more than 300 residents of the area 40 miles north of downtown Los Angeles sometimes invites the public to their gatherings. But they say... continued
Should You Suck Out That Fat?
May 7, 2002A study by author Dr. Sharon Giese, an associate professor of plastic surgery at State University of New York, has found that overweight women who had large amounts of fat suctioned out experienced sustained weight loss as well as reduced... continued
Ancient City Buried in Sand
May 7, 2002Professor Krzysztof Grzymski, of the University of Toronto, has discovered the royal palace of the ancient kingdom of Nubia, buried in the sands of present day Khartoum. He and his colleagues have found what they believe are the remains of... continued
Water War With Mexico
May 7, 2002Julie Watson writes in AP Latin America that this year, in fields in the drought-stricken Mexican state of Chihuahua, Mexican farmers are threatening a bitter fight for Rio Grande water that could affect relations between the United States and Mexico.... continued
Don?t Touch That Mailbox!
May 7, 2002The FBI has issued an all-points bulletin for a 22-year-old man in connection with pipe bombs found in mailboxes in five states within the last week. The man has been identified as Luke John Helder, described as a white male... continued
Drought: Worst is Yet to Come
May 6, 2002Jerry Bowen and Jim Axelrod write in cbsnews.com that more than a third of America is now affected by months of drought and the worst is yet to come. While the government believes there will be improvement in the East... continued
Ozone Hole Makes Antarctic Both Cooler & Warmer
May 6, 2002There have been conflicting reports about whether Antarctica is warming up or cooling down. Now scientists have discovered that this has been caused by the ozone hole. Changing wind patterns triggered by the ozone hole are causing some areas to... continued