Ginger Fights Crime

April 26, 2002
You hear the siren and see the flashing lights out of the corner of your eye?not another ticket! You pull over and along comes?a cop on a Segway scooter? It could happen to you in Atlanta, where the police are... continued

Lighting Strikes Inside an Airplane

April 26, 2002
According to research by Dr. Michael Cherington of the Lightning Data Center at St. Anthony Hospital in Denver and his colleagues, it?s possible to be struck by lightning while inside an airplane. Their report describes the first known case of... continued

Mystery Diseases Strike Worldwide

April 25, 2002
The death of popular young actor Ricardo Yan, age 27, in the Philippines has put the spotlight on a mystery ailment that kills healthy Asian men in their sleep. Filipinos call it "bangungot" or the nightmare syndrome. Patients with the... continued

3 Clone Babies Due Soon

April 25, 2002
Italian fertility specialist Severino Antinori says three women are currently pregnant with clones. "There are three pregnancies," Antinori says. Two of them are in Russia and one in an "Islamic state," according to Antinori. He says that they are six... continued

Destruction of World?s Largest Coral Reef

April 25, 2002
An epidemic of coral bleaching is effecting the world?s largest coral reef: the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. An extensive survey of the Great Barrier Reef carried out over the last month has revealed "widespread bleaching", says Terry Done, chief... continued

Cancer From Food You Eat Everyday

April 25, 2002
Bread, biscuits, potato chips and french fries contain alarmingly high quantities of acrylamide, a substance believed to cause cancer, according to Swedish scientists. The research carried out at Stockholm University in cooperation with Sweden's National Food Administration, a government food... continued

Sunshine Brings Good Health

April 24, 2002
Weather fluctuations can have subtle and dangerous effects on your health, including a small increased risk of stroke, cancer or mental illness. After looking at 3,289 first-time stroke sufferers in Dijon, France, researchers found there were fewer strokes in warmer... continued

Star Wars May Make Space Too Crowded

April 24, 2002
Space-based missile defenses systems could produce dangerous space debris that would make low-Earth orbits permanently unusable, according to Joel Primack of the University of California at Santa Cruz. The orbiting anti-missile battle stations proposed by the U.S. could result in... continued

Double Trouble: Asteroids Come in Pairs

April 24, 2002
When Earth is next hit by an asteroid, the impact may well be doubled, since a new study estimates that 16 percent of asteroids in the region of space shared by Earth's orbit are actually double asteroids, called binaries. Evidence... continued

Ice Shelf Collapse May Cause Antarctica Starvation

April 24, 2002
As parts of Antarctica are fall into the sea, new satellite data shows that these dramatic changes are affecting the growth of small organisms important to the local food chain. Icebergs that have broken off from the Ross Ice Shelf... continued