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Sunshine Brings Good Health
April 24, 2002Weather fluctuations can have subtle and dangerous effects on your health, including a small increased risk of stroke, cancer or mental illness. After looking at 3,289 first-time stroke sufferers in Dijon, France, researchers found there were fewer strokes in warmer... continued
Star Wars May Make Space Too Crowded
April 24, 2002Space-based missile defenses systems could produce dangerous space debris that would make low-Earth orbits permanently unusable, according to Joel Primack of the University of California at Santa Cruz. The orbiting anti-missile battle stations proposed by the U.S. could result in... continued
Double Trouble: Asteroids Come in Pairs
April 24, 2002When Earth is next hit by an asteroid, the impact may well be doubled, since a new study estimates that 16 percent of asteroids in the region of space shared by Earth's orbit are actually double asteroids, called binaries. Evidence... continued
Ice Shelf Collapse May Cause Antarctica Starvation
April 24, 2002As parts of Antarctica are fall into the sea, new satellite data shows that these dramatic changes are affecting the growth of small organisms important to the local food chain. Icebergs that have broken off from the Ross Ice Shelf... continued
Dyslexia Breath Test
April 23, 2002Children may soon be able to take a simple breath test to see if they have dyslexia. The breath test, developed by Dr. Alexandra Richardson of the University of Oxford, works by measuring biochemical imbalances in the body that are... continued
Our Ancestors Much Older Than We Thought
April 23, 2002There are popular cartoons of cavemen co-existing with dinosaurs, even though we know we didn?t come along until well after all the dinosaurs were gone. Now it?s been discovered that the common ancestor of humans, monkeys, apes and other primates... continued
Booze Binges Cause Brain Damage
April 23, 2002New research shows that rats given large bingeing doses of alcohol every eight hours for four consecutive days experienced brain damage. The area of the brain responsible for smell was damaged after only two days of heavy drinking and other... continued
Anthrax Victims Slow to Recover
April 23, 2002Lena H. Sun reports in the Washington Post that six months after inhaling anthrax spores, several of the mail workers who survived the deadly disease have yet to make a full recovery and are experiencing serious fatigue and memory loss.... continued
New Solutions to Oil Problems
April 22, 2002While Congress was debating whether or not to drill for oil in the Alaskan Wildlife Refuge, NASA scientists have discovered that the Earth?s crust contains enough hydrogen to end the world?s energy problems. Professor Friedemann Freund, of the Ames Research... continued
Whitley?s Journal: Thank You For Your Prayers
April 22, 2002In his latest journal, Whitley thanks everyone for their prayers on behalf of his sister. To read the latest Whitley?s Journal,click here. NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed. continued