Booze Binges Cause Brain Damage

April 23, 2002
New research shows that rats given large bingeing doses of alcohol every eight hours for four consecutive days experienced brain damage. The area of the brain responsible for smell was damaged after only two days of heavy drinking and other... continued

Anthrax Victims Slow to Recover

April 23, 2002
Lena H. Sun reports in the Washington Post that six months after inhaling anthrax spores, several of the mail workers who survived the deadly disease have yet to make a full recovery and are experiencing serious fatigue and memory loss.... continued

Whitley?s Journal: Thank You For Your Prayers

April 22, 2002
In his latest journal, Whitley thanks everyone for their prayers on behalf of his sister. To read the latest Whitley?s Journal,click here. NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed. continued

Drought Brings Out Water Spies

April 22, 2002
Few residents of Pennsylvania and New Jersey have read -- or can understand ? the new water restrictions and few authorities are enforcing them. So in communities across the region, sprinkler spies are ratting out their neighbors. Officials in 14... continued

Pesticides May Cause Parkinsons

April 22, 2002
Preliminary results from a study of thousands of farmers in Iowa and North Carolina suggest that exposure to several crop pesticides may be linked to the development of Parkinson's disease. Doctors have observed that the neurodegenerative disease is more common... continued

New Superbug Form of Common Childhood Disease

April 22, 2002
Until now, antibiotics have easily killed group A streptococcus, the bacteria that cause strep throat and life-threatening septic infections, but now hospitals have seen a sudden, widespread resistance of the bacteria to widely used antibiotic erythromycin. Strep is becoming a... continued

New Solutions to Oil Problems

April 22, 2002
While Congress was debating whether or not to drill for oil in the Alaskan Wildlife Refuge, NASA scientists have discovered that the Earth?s crust contains enough hydrogen to end the world?s energy problems. Professor Friedemann Freund, of the Ames Research... continued

First Crop Circle of the Season

April 20, 2002
Lucy Pringle reports that the first English cropcircle has been discovered in a field of oil seed rape. It?s 60 feet in diameter and resembles the first circle that appeared during the 2001 season. Note the two round objects at... continued

Reflections on Ancient Underwater Cities

April 19, 2002
In the May/June issue of Atlantis Rising magazine, David Lewis writes about the newly-discovered ancient underwater cities of India. He says, "Finding the ruins of an ancient, submerged civilization raises more questions than it answers, causes more problems than it... continued

NY Times Supports Superstorm Scenario

April 19, 2002
The New York Times declared that airplane flight was impossible?shortly before the Wright Brothers had their first successful flight. They declared that Roswell consisted of crash test dummies being tossed from airplanes years after the event actually happened. (Although, to... continued