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Search the Sky With Your Computer
April 13, 2002If you?re a high school student studying astronomy and your local skies are too polluted with light for star gazing or if you can?t afford a good telescope, let your computer do the skywatching for you. Ryan Hannahoe punches coordinates... continued
New Pesticides as Bad as Old
April 11, 2002Pesticides developed in the hope that they may be safer than older chemicals known to cause cancer may be only slightly better, according to Margaret Whalen, a biochemist at Tennessee State University. They found the compounds, which are used to... continued
Mother of Clone May Develop Cancer
April 11, 2002The world?s first cloned baby could be born in November, according to Italian fertility expert Severino Antinori. Most animal clones have short, unhealthy lives. But even if the baby is healthy, the mother could be at high risk for a... continued
Another Underwater City in India
April 11, 2002Explorers believe they have discovered remains of another city submerged off the coast of India. In January scientists announced the discovery of an ancient city 120 feet under the sea in the Gulf of Khambhat in northwest India, which could... continued
Poles May Flip
April 11, 2002The Earth?s magnetic poles might be starting to flip, according to Gauthier Hulot of the Institute of Earth Sciences in Paris and his colleagues, who have seen strange anomalies in the Earth?s magnetic field. The magnetic field is created by... continued
Global Warming Brings New Disease
April 10, 2002In 1994, during an unusually cold January in Maryland, birdwatchers began noticing red finches with swollen, crusty eyes. They sat alone on the bird feeders, with ruffled feathers while healthy birds flitted around them. Within weeks, sick finches were reported... continued
Are Your Fillings Killing You?
April 10, 2002Pamela MacArthur was a healthy artist whose body suddenly started to twitch. She had nightmares and her face erupted in boils so painful that it hurt to roll over in bed. Doctors suggested drugs for acne and psychological disorders, but... continued
New Mosquito-Borne Diseases in U.S.
April 10, 2002Dengue fever is one of two mosquito-borne illnesses that have Florida health officials increasingly worried about a major outbreak. The other one is West Nile virus, which first showed up in the United States in 1999 and quickly moved south.... continued
Fox’s Co-Workers Got Parkinson’s Too
April 10, 2002Three former co-workers of Michael J. Fox all have Parkinson's disease, causing speculation that the disease may have an environmental cause. Nobody knows what causes Parkinson's disease. Scientists look for disease clusters, hoping this will help them turn up clues... continued
Professor Plans to Build Time Machine
April 9, 2002Ronald Mallett, a physicist at the University of Connecticut, believes he knows how to build a time machine. He has designed a machine that can transport anything from an atom to a person from one time to another. ?I hope... continued