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Professor Plans to Build Time Machine
April 9, 2002Ronald Mallett, a physicist at the University of Connecticut, believes he knows how to build a time machine. He has designed a machine that can transport anything from an atom to a person from one time to another. ?I hope... continued
New Evidence of Life on Mars
April 9, 2002Scientists have found new evidence that may indicate there is life on Mars. An analysis of data obtained by the 1997 Pathfinder mission to Mars suggests there could be chlorophyll in the soil close to the landing site. Chlorophyll is... continued
Playing the Oil Threat Card
April 9, 2002Iran?s leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has called on Islamic oil-producing countries to suspend their exports to ?pro-Israel? countries. ?The oil belongs to the people and can be a weapon against the West and those countries who support the savage regime... continued
German UFO Update
April 9, 2002When we asked German UFO researcher Michael Hesemann, who will be on Dreamland April 13, about a recent UFO wave in Germany, he replied, "I spoke to several eyewitnesses and there is no doubt it was indeed a meteorite." Now... continued
Anthrax & the Agency
April 9, 2002Remember Anthrax? What happened to the investigation? Where are the culprits? The answer is that the FBI appears to have put the case on a back burner. In this chilling article, Wayne Madsen of Counterpunch offers some insights into why... continued
Shampoo May Cause Early Puberty
April 8, 2002Little girls developing puberty and starting their menstrual periods as early as 8 years old is becoming a major problem in the Western world?and nobody knows why it?s happening. It?s occurring at a time when teenage motherhood is a major... continued
Eskimos Cope With Global Warming
April 8, 2002Usha Lee McFarling of the Los Angeles Times reports that Eskimos are trying to cope with the fact that the ice in Russia, Alaska, Canada and Greenland has started to thaw. Thunder and lightning, which were once rare, have become... continued
Will the Next Pope be Black?
April 8, 2002African Americans won both Best Actor Oscars this year. Now it looks like the next Pope may be black. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the Vatican?s doctrinal chief, says an African papacy would ?only be to the Church?s benefit? and a ?wonderful... continued
UFO Sightings in Germany
April 8, 2002Hundreds of people report seeing strange light over Bavaria in southern Germany recently. Local authorities have received calls from people reporting a loud explosion and strange lights in the sky and the Bavarian interior ministry says hundreds of worried citizens... continued
Shut Up!
April 8, 2002The world?s first lip-reading cellphone is being developed by researchers at Japanese cellphone maker NTT DoCoMo. All callers will have to do is mouth their words silently, and the phone will convert them to speech or text. This could put... continued