How Healing Touch Works

April 5, 2002
For centuries, there have been healers who claim to be able to heal by touch. Now scientists think they?ve discovered the mechanism that makes this work?a natural chemical called immunoglobulin A, which fights invading micro-organisms and diseases. The act of... continued

Asteroid Coming…But Not Too Soon

April 5, 2002
David Braun reports in the National Geographic News that scientists have identified a thousand-yard-wide asteroid that may be heading for a collision with Earth 878 years from now. Using radar and optical measurements made over the past 51 years, researchers... continued

Bacteria-Colored Blue Jeans

April 5, 2002
Jeans dyed blue by bacteria may soon be available. Walter Weyler and his colleagues at Genencor International in Palo Alto, California have genetically modified bacteria to produce the indigo pigment used to stain denim. The process would be a less-polluting... continued

How to Get a New Face

April 5, 2002
When Jim Alexander backed out of a convenience store where he?d stopped for a cup of coffee in 1996, he crashed his car, which burned for 20 minutes before rescuers could get him out. Burns disfigured his face so badly... continued

Caution: You Are What You Eat

April 4, 2002
More than one-fifth of the monkey meat sold in the markets of Cameroon is infected with SIV, the ancestor of HIV, according to the first major survey of bushmeat. The level and variety of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) strains researchers... continued

Drug Addiction Helped Ancestors Survive

April 4, 2002
Anthropologists believe that so many people use drugs today because they helped our ancestors survive. Anthropologists Roger Sullivan of the University of Auckland and Edward Hagen of the University of California say our ancestors were exposed to plants containing narcotic... continued

Ride a Cable Car into Space

April 4, 2002
Researchers are planning to create cable car in space. Twenty tons of cable would need to be taken up to into space to get the project started. Space cable cars could also be established on planets like Mars. For a... continued

Deserts Spreading Fast Worldwide

April 4, 2002
Desertification is devastating farm production and the variety of plant and animal life in many parts of the world, according to Adel El-Beltagy, director-general of the International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA) in Syria. ?We continue to... continued

Bush Gives In to Oil Industry Pressure

April 4, 2002
The Bush administration has withdrawn its support for Robert Watson, the American atmospheric scientist who is seeking re-election as head of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change when it holds its election later this month in Geneva. The State... continued

No Plane in 9/11 Pentagon Crash?

April 3, 2002
The internet is circulating a September 11 conspiracy theory, started by a French book, saying the plane that smashed into the Pentagon never existed and that the destruction of the Pentagon is a U.S. plot. Thierry Meyssan's book ?The Frightening... continued