Chinese Discovered America

March 21, 2002
A Chinese explorer reached America 72 years before Columbus and circled the globe a century before Magellan, according to British amateur historian Gavin Menzies. Menzies read about an epic voyage undertaken by a Chinese admiral named Zheng He. From 1421... continued

Flies May Be Source of HIV

March 20, 2002
Blood-sucking flies may be to blame for the HIV epidemic being unleashed on humans, according to Gerhard Brandner of the University of Freiburg in Germany. AIDS researchers believe the HIV virus jumped species from chimpanzees to humans at some point... continued

Lost Inca City Found?Untouched by Conquerors

March 20, 2002
Peruvian and British explorers have discovered a lost Inca city on a peak in the Andes that was used by the Incas as a place of resistance against Spanish conquerors in the 16th century. The site, about 25 miles from... continued

Dead Zone Discovered in Ocean

March 20, 2002
Cathy Zollo writes in the Naples (FL) Daily News that commercial fishermen along the Southwest Florida coast are reporting a massive dead zone that contains no marine life in an area of the Gulf of Mexico that has traditionally been... continued

Was There Once Another Planet?

March 20, 2002
Our solar system may have had another planet, that was swallowed up by the Sun. But before it was destroyed, this planet caused a lot of problems. Space scientists John Chambers and Jack Lissauer of NASA think that along with... continued

Religious Police Let Saudi Girls Burn

March 19, 2002
Saudi Arabia's religious police stopped 15 schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress, according to Saudi newspapers. The Saudi media has accused the kingdom?s powerful ?mutaween? police of hindering attempts to save the... continued

Drought Emergency Throughout U.S.

March 19, 2002
States from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific are experiencing severe drought conditions. This nationwide drought is more serious than the usual dry spell. The entire state of Wyoming has been declared a drought disaster area, and large areas of... continued

Huge Piece of Antarctica Floats Away

March 19, 2002
A piece of the Antarctic ice shelf the size of Delaware has shattered and separated from the continent in the largest such event in 30 years. The Larsen B shelf on the eastern side of the Antarctic Peninsula has fragmented... continued

CIA May Be Behind Anthrax Terrorism

March 19, 2002
On the English T.V. show Newsnight, reporter Susan Watts and Milton Leitenberg, of the Center for International & Security Studies at the University of Maryland, interviewed Dr. Barbara Rosenberg, of the Federation of American Scientists. Rosenberg recently publicly stated that... continued

Is Monsanto Evil?

March 19, 2002
Read the new Insight piece, ?Monsanto?Is It the Most Evil Company on Earth?? and decide for yourself. To read the article,click here. To learn more about the dangers of genetically-modified foods, read ?Genetically Engineered Food: A Self-Defense Guide for Consumers?... continued