Men: We’ll Miss ‘Em

March 15, 2002
In Science News, J. Raloff writes that boys' birth rates are falling and scientists aren't sure why. During fetal development, "the male sex is clearly the more fragile one," says Bruce B. Allan, an obstetrician-gynecologist in Alberta, Canada. While some... continued

Water Polluted by Medicines

March 15, 2002
A national study by the U.S. Geological Survey of U.S. streams across 30 states shows they are polluted by the painkillers acetaminophen and ibuprofen, prescription medicines for cardiac disorders and hypertension, and female sex hormones used in birth control pills... continued

Healing Saliva

March 14, 2002
A substance found in saliva could help develop new drugs to treat antibiotic-resistant infections. It raises hopes for people with diseases like HIV and cystic fibrosis, who regularly develop infections that are difficult to treat with conventional drugs. Dr. Libuse... continued

Hunger Hormone Discovered

March 14, 2002
Dr. Alison Wren, Research Fellow at Imperial College, London has isolated a ?hunger hormone? that dramatically boosts human food consumption. Scientists have known for some time that the hormone stimulates hunger in rats, but they had never been able to... continued

New Food from Fungus

March 14, 2002
A fake meat that is made from fungus, but tastes like chicken (of course) has arrived in U.S. supermarkets. Known as mycoprotein, it is marketed under the trade name Quorn (pronounced kworn) and made into a variety of fake foods,... continued

Nukes Missing Worldwide

March 14, 2002
International researchers at Stanford University have compiled what they say is the world?s most complete database of lost, stolen and misplaced nuclear material. This database reveals that we live in a world that is filled with weapons-grade uranium and plutonium... continued

Protect Our Access to Vitamins!

March 13, 2002
Dr. Matthias Rath writes that the United Nation?s ?Codex Alimentarius Commission? wants to outlaw any preventive and therapeutic health statements made in relation to vitamins and other natural therapies worldwide. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is supporting... continued

It’s a Beige World

March 13, 2002
Karl Glazebrook and Ivan Baldry, of Johns Hopkins University, announced in January that they had averaged all colors from the light of 200,000 galaxies and concluded that if the human could see this color, it would be a pale green?the... continued

New Ocean in the Arctic

March 13, 2002
Doug O'Harra reports in the Anchorage Daily News that the polar ice cap has been shrinking so fast due to global warming that ships may be sailing through the Northwest Passage each summer by 2015, according to a U.S. Navy... continued

Sept. 11 Hijackers Are Alive

March 13, 2002
Abdulrahman al-Omari, who was named by the U.S. Department of Justice as one of the suicide hijackers of American Airlines flight 11, the first airliner to crash into the World Trade Center, is alive and living in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.... continued