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Controversial Whitley?s Journal
March 4, 2002Whitley Strieber has written a new journal entry about the evils of fundamentalist religions?of all kinds. He?s sure to stir up controversy with "Religious Fanatics and the Ruin of the World!" To read Whitley?s Journal,click here. NOTE: This news story,... continued
HIV Cocaine Link and ?Missing Link?
March 4, 2002Cocaine may not only be associated with HIV infections because it causes people to act recklessly and have unsafe sex?it may also help the HIV virus spread faster through the body, killing off more immune cells and reproducing 200 times... continued
Life on Mars and Europa
March 4, 2002Mars holds vast stores of water ice right near the surface and away from the permanently frozen south polar ice cap, scientists say. This means it?s possible that life may have once existed on Mars or could still be there.... continued
U.S. Reveals Nuclear Testing Caused Cancer
March 4, 2002Radioactive fallout from Cold War nuclear testing exposed virtually everyone in the United States to potentially dangerous levels of radiation and contributed to about 11,000 cancer deaths, according to a study by the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.... continued
Shadow Government in Operation
March 4, 2002The White House has set up a shadow government of about 100 senior civilian managers who live and work secretly outside Washington. This is the first time the ?Continuity Operations Plan? to ensure survival of federal rule after an attack... continued
Brain Games
March 1, 2002Test your brain power by taking the following tests and evaluating your results against others who have tested themselves as well. Find out if you have psychic or remote viewing abilities and see if you have a chance to win... continued
Irritable Male Syndrome
March 1, 2002Irritable male syndrome is a newly-recognized medical condition that turns confident, aggressive males into withdrawn, grumpy wimps. It?s caused by a sudden drop in testosterone, and affects men as well as animals, according to Gerald Lincoln of the Medical Research... continued
UFOs?Real and Debunked
March 1, 2002In recent years, the internet has been bombarded with fake UFO footage that is really simply out-of-focus shots of commonplace objects, such as bright stars and light bulbs. UFO investigator Tom King has analyzed some of these images and found... continued
Was Bin Laden Duped on Nukes?
March 1, 2002Al-Qaeda?s attempts to acquire nuclear weapons may have been thwarted by Russian con men, according to the Pentagon. After analyzing containers, computer discs and papers found in their deserted Afghanistan hideouts, intelligence officers found no trace of materials which could... continued
Warmest Winter Yet
February 28, 2002The last three months were the warmest on U.S. record books, and January was the warmest in the 123 years that temperatures for that month have been recorded globally. The warmth stretched from western states like Montana and Oklahoma to... continued