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Painting Discussed on Dreamland Feb. 16, 2002
February 16, 2002This is a painting of Mary Magdalene created by the Rennaisance painter Caravaggio in 1595. It shows her wearing the white of purity and the green of fertility. The cup embossed on her skirt symbolizes the fact that the painting... continued
The Last of the Hitlers
February 15, 2002The American relatives of Adolf Hitler have entered into a pact to end the family bloodline. David Gardner, a British writer investigating the Hitler family tracked down a nephew who grew up in England, moved to America and had three... continued
Anti-Anthrax Measures Make Postal Workers Ill
February 15, 2002Post offices are using irradiation to protect against anthrax contamination. Postal workers who handle the irradiated mail have reported health problems, their union leaders say. At least 87 of about 750 workers at the Gaithersburg, Maryland, postal facility have reported... continued
Babies Can Learn in Their Sleep?But You Can?t
February 15, 2002Babies have mastered the art of learning in their sleep. By the time they?re a year old they can recognize many sounds and even simple words. Marie Cheour at the University of Turku in Finland thinks they progress this fast... continued
Archeology Keeps Secrets
February 15, 2002Archeology is too exclusive and too commercial, and only benefits a limited circle of academics instead of the general public, according to Simon Thurley, the retiring director of the Museum of London. Thurley says that property developers in London spent... continued
Booze Can Be Brain Food
February 14, 2002New research suggests that drinking alcohol may reduce aging drinkers, including the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia. Although extreme alcohol consumption kills brain cells, scientists don't know if it has permanent effects on reasoning and memory.... continued
Sunshine Linked to Healthy Births
February 14, 2002Evidence is accumulating to support the theory that vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy, caused by a lack of sunlight, can alter the development of a child's brain in the womb. The role of vitamin D in building healthy brains was... continued
Playing Chicken With Our Health
February 14, 2002Marian Burros, in the February 10 issue of the New York Times, reports that the poultry industry has quietly cut back on its use of antibiotics in chicken feed. Public health and consumer groups have been demanding this for years,... continued
Major Company Targeted for GM Foods
February 14, 2002Kraft Foods is the biggest U.S. food maker, with brands that include Oscar Mayer meats and Philadelphia cream cheese. The company has become the target of Genetically Engineered Food Alert, a Washington-based group which opposes the use of genetically engineered... continued
Teleportation May Be Possible
February 13, 2002Teleporting atoms and molecules, and maybe even larger objects, has become a real possibility for the first time, now that physicists have suggested a method that in theory could be used to ?entangle? any kind of particle. Quantum entanglement is... continued