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Millions of Monarchs Die
February 13, 2002Carol Kaesuk Yoon, in the February 12 New York Times, reports that millions of Monarch butterflies lie dead in piles on the ground in their winter reserve in the mountains of Mexico. During a recent severe winter storm, between 220... continued
Underwater Worlds
February 12, 2002Stephen Moss interviewed British author Graham Hancock recently in The Guardian newspaper. Graham Hancock has spent the past 10 years writing books saying that everything we know about ancient history is wrong: civilization didn?t start in Sumeria and Egypt around... continued
Mysterious Force Found in Space
February 12, 2002Pioneer 10, a space probe launched in 1972 that took the first close-up pictures of Jupiter before leaving our solar system in 1983, is being pulled back to the sun by an unknown force. The nature of this force baffles... continued
Cellphones Harm Worms?What Do They Do to Us?
February 12, 2002The safety of cellphones is in question following the discovery that their emissions have an unexpected effect on living creatures. This finding refutes the theory that heating from mobile phone signals is their only threat to brain cells. In lab... continued
Meat Imported From Mad Cow Countries
February 11, 2002The United States imported more than 200,000 pounds of beef last year from countries that are not allowed to sell their meat products here because of their association with mad cow disease, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture figures. Dale... continued
February 11, 2002Effective immediately, the FBI has issued a terror alert of a possible attack on the United States or US interests in Yemen on or around Tuesday, February 12. Believed to be involved in the possible attack is Fawaz Yahya Al-Rabeei,... continued
Amazing UFO Document on Feb. 9 Dreamland
February 11, 2002On Saturday?s Dreamland, our science reporter Linda Howe and researcher Jim Marrs, author of ?Rule by Conspiracy,? reported on an amazing document about UFO secrecy that was produced by an English think tank called the Warwick Research Institute. A listener... continued
Huge Iceberg Breaks Off
February 11, 2002A rectangular iceberg more than twice the size of Manhattan broke off from an Antarctic glacier this week, adding to the already high number of giant icebergs floating in southern waters. The 58-square-mile iceberg C-17 broke loose from the Matusevich... continued
Iran May Have Nukes Soon
February 11, 2002Israel?s Defense Minister Binyamin Ben Eliezer says that Iran will soon have a nuclear bomb. ?By the year 2005, they will be able to produce for the world an Iranian nuclear bomb,? he says. Iran has been able to develop... continued
NASA Budget Promotes Space Nukes
February 8, 2002The proposed 2003 budget for NASA would be $15 billion, $500 million more than in 2002. However, there would be major cutbacks in money for the space station and space exploration and increases in money for the development of nuclear... continued