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Animals Cloned for Human Parts
February 7, 2002Dr. Michael West, of Advanced Cell Technology in Worcester, Massachusetts and his team have created a monkey embryo without the use of sperm that can be used to create stem cells. Through a process called parthenogenesis, stem cells were extracted... continued
Penguins Getting Hot
February 7, 2002Penguins are starting to leave parts of Antarctica because it?s getting too hot for them.The numbers of adelie penguins on the Antarctic peninsula are falling as global warming increases. Experts predict that they may abandon much of their tradition living... continued
Lifesaving Chemical Pollutes Water
February 7, 2002A lifesaving chemical which is used to make upholstery flame-resistant, pentaBDE (penta bromo diphenyl ether), has turned up in water supplies and even in breast milk. Freshwater fish in Virginia have been found to contain the highest reported levels in... continued
GM Crops Creating ?Rogue Weeds?
February 7, 2002Genetically-modified crops in Canada are creating new kinds of weeds, as herbicide-resistant oilseed rape crops cross-breed at the edge of fields. The weeds are accumulating extra genes and are rapidly becoming resistant to chemical sprays. This could lead to rogue... continued
Lightning?Predicting and Protecting
February 6, 2002A group of engineers plan to fire supersonic jets of salty water towards storm clouds in order to trigger lightning. If it works, they say their system could ultimately be used to protect people and property from lightning strikes. The... continued
More War Against Terrorists?
February 6, 2002Eric Schmitt and James Dao report in The New York Times of February 4 that the top Marine general for Central Asia and the Persian Gulf is moving his headquarters to Bahrain from Hawaii. His counterparts in Army, Navy and... continued
Ancient Pre-Inca Temple Found
February 6, 2002On the National Geographic website, Bijal P. Trivedi reports on an NPR interview by Alex Chadwick of Charles ?Chip? Stanish, a UCLA archaeologist who is searching in the remote highlands of Peru for the lost temples of the Pukara, an... continued
Fewer Clouds Mean Global Warming
February 6, 2002NASA researchers have found that more sunlight entered the tropics and more heat escaped into space in the 1990s than in the 1980s, meaning there was less cloud cover to block incoming radiation or to stop the heat from escaping... continued
Terrorist Threat to Nuclear Power Plants
February 5, 2002The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission has warned that the nation?s 103 nuclear power plants could be a target of an airline attack. ?The NRC issued a message saying you need to be aware that there is some information that indicates... continued
How to Get Rid of Telemarketers
February 5, 2002Telemarkers now call us from more 79,000 call centers nationwide. Because they spend more time at home, senior citizens are three times more likely to be solicited by them. Jeanette Otis, a 70-year-old widow from Houston, gets about five unwanted... continued