How to Get Rid of Telemarketers

February 5, 2002
Telemarkers now call us from more 79,000 call centers nationwide. Because they spend more time at home, senior citizens are three times more likely to be solicited by them. Jeanette Otis, a 70-year-old widow from Houston, gets about five unwanted... continued

Tracking Alien Corn

February 5, 2002
In small farming villages in Mexico?s rural Oaxaca state, scientists have discovered that much of the corn, some of it growing wild, is a genetically modified variety that is illegal to grow in Mexico. GM corn has been found in... continued

New Rules for Space Tourists

February 4, 2002
After almost two years of negotiations, NASA and its International Space Station partners released a new set of ground rules for the selection of non-professional visitors to the orbiting outpost. The rules emphasize what kind of conduct is unbecoming enough... continued

Video Hypnosis Works Better

February 4, 2002
Telehypnosis is more effective than face-to-face therapy, according to a study bySusan Simpson, a clinical psychologist at Royal Cornhill Hospital in Scotland. She hypnotized 11 patients who live in the remote Shetland Islands in Scotland using a video hook-up. This... continued

Martian Dunes May Harbor Life

February 4, 2002
Hungarian researcher Eors Szathmary, of the Institute for Advanced Study in Budapest, team says living organisms can be found in certain areas on Mars. He calls the areas ?dark dune spots? and says these changing features are ?probable Martian surface... continued

Bigfoot in Indiana

February 4, 2002
Reporter Kurt Van der Dussen writes in the Indiana Hoosier Times about a strange ape-like creature sighted along Chapel Hill Road in remote Polk Township near Hoosier National Forest. The sighting occurred at the house of Rick Deckard and his... continued

Six Degrees of Separation

February 1, 2002
The concept of ?six degrees of separation,? which is the idea that there are only 6 people between you and anyone you want to reach, came from an experiment performed in 1967 by social psychologist Stanley Milgram, who sent packages... continued

Mothman on Dreamland February 2nd

February 1, 2002
Whitley Strieber will interview Loren Coleman, author of ?Mothman and Other Curious Encounters,? on Dreamland this Saturday. He will also talk to Dan Drasin, an independent investigator of anomalies who investigated the Mothman with John Keel. Keel, author of ?The... continued

Green With Envy? Play New Color Game

February 1, 2002
Last weekend, we put up a color game that asks you to choose a series of colors, then gives you a description of what?s going on in your life right now. Most listeners found it amazingly accurate, but it didn?t... continued

Abduction Tracked by Global Positioning System

February 1, 2002
Filers Files #5 for January 30, 2002, distributed by e-mail from Mufon Director George A. Filer, tells about a first ever case where a man who was abducted from his boat was able to track his ?missing time? with the... continued