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Mothman on Dreamland February 2nd
February 1, 2002Whitley Strieber will interview Loren Coleman, author of ?Mothman and Other Curious Encounters,? on Dreamland this Saturday. He will also talk to Dan Drasin, an independent investigator of anomalies who investigated the Mothman with John Keel. Keel, author of ?The... continued
Green With Envy? Play New Color Game
February 1, 2002Last weekend, we put up a color game that asks you to choose a series of colors, then gives you a description of what?s going on in your life right now. Most listeners found it amazingly accurate, but it didn?t... continued
Abduction Tracked by Global Positioning System
February 1, 2002Filers Files #5 for January 30, 2002, distributed by e-mail from Mufon Director George A. Filer, tells about a first ever case where a man who was abducted from his boat was able to track his ?missing time? with the... continued
African Animals Survive With AIDS
January 31, 2002AIDS will surpass the Black Death as the world?s worst pandemic if the 40 million people living with HIV or AIDS do not get life-prolonging drugs. The illness has killed 25 million people since the early 1980s, and an estimated... continued
New GM Food: Meat and Veg. In One Bite
January 31, 2002Japanese scientist Akira Iritani has implanted spinach genes in pigs. This is the first time that plant genes have been successfully transplanted into an animal. The pigs contain a gene called FAD2, which converts saturated fat into an unsaturated fat... continued
Deadly Storms in Europe
January 31, 2002At least 17 people have died and hundreds of thousands have been left without electricity by the storms which have ripped across northern Europe. Cars have been overturned, power cables are down, and trees have been uprooted. Ships have been... continued
Satellite Will Fall to Earth Today–UPDATE
January 31, 2002NASA has issued a rare alert, warning residents from South Florida to Australia that heavy chunks of a dying, 3 ? ton satellite could strike their areas on Thursday, January 31. As many as 9 pieces of debris weighing up... continued
Newest Crime: Identity Theft
January 30, 2002Identity theft was the leading consumer fraud complaint last year. Of the 204,000 complaints compiled by the Federal Trade Commission, 42 percent involved identity theft.. The figures come from a government database that collects complaints from more than 50 law... continued
New Stem Cell Does Not Use Embryos
January 30, 2002A stem cell has been found in adults that can turn into any tissue in the body. Until now, only stem cells from early embryos were thought to have such properties. If the finding is confirmed, it will mean cells... continued
Has Free Energy Been Found?
January 30, 2002The secret of free energy may have been discovered by a an electrical engineer in Ireland. The 58-year-old electrical engineer is not revealing his identity for ?security and publicity-avoidance reasons.? He has spent 23 years perfecting what he calls the... continued