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We?re Englulfed in Pesticides
January 23, 2002The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) began an ongoing study in 1999 in an effort to calculate the public?s exposures to environmental contaminants, including mercury, tobacco smoke, and certain pesticides. By taking blood and urine samples, scientists can... continued
Congo Was Warned About Volcano
January 23, 2002Goma volcanologist Dieudonne Wafula recently warned local authorities that the 11,380-foot Mount Nyiragongo volcano would erupt soon. No one paid attention, and four days later the volcano unleashed red-hot lava over 40 percent of Goma, killing hundreds of people and... continued
Huge Block of Ice Falls From Sky
January 22, 2002A chunk of ice, ?half the size of a car? fell out of the sky and ripped through the roof of a repair service area at an Acura dealership in Charleston, South Carolina. Authorities say samples of the ice are... continued
Iceman May Have Been Human Sacrifice
January 22, 2002In 1991 hikers who were climbing the mountains between Austria and Italy discovered the remains of a man in the melting snow that had been preserved in a glacier for 5,000 years. An examination last year showed that an arrowhead... continued
Does Planet X Exist?
January 22, 2002Astronomers have found hints of a massive, distant, still unseen object at the edge of the solar system. It could be a 10th planet or perhaps a failed companion star, and has an orbit that is 3 trillion miles away.... continued
Volcano Kills More Than People
January 22, 2002More than 100,000 people are unaccounted for after the eruption of the Mount Nyiragongo volcano in eastern Congo, which has devastated the town of Goma and sent another 300,000 victims fleeing into neighboring Rwanda. Tens of thousands more may be... continued
Our Unstable Sun
January 21, 2002Solar activity reaches its height every 11 years, when solar flare erupt solar flares erupt near sunspots daily. Coronal mass ejections, composed of billion-ton clouds of magnetized gas, fly away from the Sun and hit the surrounding planets. The Sun?s... continued
New AIDS Vaccine Fails
January 21, 2002Harvard AIDS researchers working with monkeys say the virus overcame an experimental vaccine by changing a single gene, killing one of the 8 animals being tested. This disappointment doesn?t mean that AIDS vaccines are doomed to fail, but it illustrates... continued
Another Submerged City
January 21, 2002The remains of a huge underwater city off the western coast of India may force historians and archaeologists to radically reconsider their view of ancient human history. It?s believed that the area was submerged when ice caps melted at the... continued
Thicker Ice May Prevent Ocean Rise
January 21, 2002The West Antarctic Ice Sheet is still dropping huge chunks of iceberg that drift hundreds of miles while they slowly melt, but it may have stopped melting, meaning that there will not be a rise in ocean levels in the... continued