UPDATE: Stunning New Orb Shots

January 4, 2002
Greg Avery, the MUFON State Director for Louisiana, has become one of the world?s most dogged orb hunters, and he has the pictures to prove it. You can see a sample of them below. Click on any image to make... continued

Why Red Wine Works (And Champagne Works Too Well)

January 4, 2002
Researchers have finally figured out why a moderate intake of red wine protects against heart disease, which explains the "French paradox" or why the French have a lower rate of heart disease despite indulging in a high level of fatty... continued

Already: Counterfeit Euros

January 4, 2002
Just a few days after the euro was introduced in Europe, German police revealed that a 12-year old girl handed in a counterfeit 50 euro note she found on a train travelling from Cologne to Troisdorf. ?She noticed it was... continued

Afghanistan Buddhas To Be Rebuilt

January 3, 2002
9 months after Afghanistan?s fundamentalist rulers caused a global outcry by demolishing the huge 5th-century Buddhas of the Bamiyan valley, the new government is planning to rebuild what was Afghanistan?s greatest archaeological treasure. Japan, China and other countries with large... continued

Another Island Nation Sinking

January 3, 2002
Papua New Guinea is planning to move the 1,500 people of the Carteret or Kilinailau Island to another home as the rising sea moves up their coastline. Six islands form the almost circular Carteret atoll, which is about 10 miles... continued

Pig Parts for People

January 3, 2002
PPL Therapeutics of Edinburgh, Scotland has cloned 5 pigs with ?knock out? genes, meaning that their organs can be transplanted to humans. They were born on Christmas day and are named Noel, Angel, Star, Joy and Mary. They contain special... continued

The Stella Awards

January 3, 2002
In 1994, a New Mexico jury awarded $ 2.9 million in damages to 81-year-old Stella Liebeck, who suffered third-degree burns to her legs after spilling a cup of McDonald?s coffee on herself. This case inspired the annual Stella Awards for... continued

Coastlines After Ice Collapse

January 2, 2002
Scientists think there is just a one in 20 chance that the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) will collapse in the next 200 years. The WAIS is crucial to future sea levels, because if all the ice melts in this... continued

Local Mystery Worth Millions

January 2, 2002
The South Florida Sun-Sentinel reports that the citizens of Bedford, a small town in Virginia, are trying to solve a mystery code that may be worth millions that has baffled treasure hunters for over a century. It?s known as the... continued

Did Bin Laden Smuggle Nukes into the U.S.?

January 2, 2002
Federal law enforcement officials are investigating whether sleeper cells or freelance agents of Osama bin Laden may have smuggled small, portable nuclear weapons or radiological bombs into the United States. Rep. Chris Shays, R-Conn., chairman of the House subcommittee on... continued