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Pig Parts for People
January 3, 2002PPL Therapeutics of Edinburgh, Scotland has cloned 5 pigs with ?knock out? genes, meaning that their organs can be transplanted to humans. They were born on Christmas day and are named Noel, Angel, Star, Joy and Mary. They contain special... continued
The Stella Awards
January 3, 2002In 1994, a New Mexico jury awarded $ 2.9 million in damages to 81-year-old Stella Liebeck, who suffered third-degree burns to her legs after spilling a cup of McDonald?s coffee on herself. This case inspired the annual Stella Awards for... continued
Did Bin Laden Smuggle Nukes into the U.S.?
January 2, 2002Federal law enforcement officials are investigating whether sleeper cells or freelance agents of Osama bin Laden may have smuggled small, portable nuclear weapons or radiological bombs into the United States. Rep. Chris Shays, R-Conn., chairman of the House subcommittee on... continued
Wild Horses Slaughtered, Not Adopted
January 2, 2002The Rocky Mountain News reports that the sale of wild horses to slaughterhouses is on the rise. The 1971 Wild Horse and Burro Act was written to end the mass slaughter and abuse of wild horse herds in 10 western... continued
Coastlines After Ice Collapse
January 2, 2002Scientists think there is just a one in 20 chance that the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) will collapse in the next 200 years. The WAIS is crucial to future sea levels, because if all the ice melts in this... continued
Local Mystery Worth Millions
January 2, 2002The South Florida Sun-Sentinel reports that the citizens of Bedford, a small town in Virginia, are trying to solve a mystery code that may be worth millions that has baffled treasure hunters for over a century. It?s known as the... continued
Worldwide Climate Crisis
December 31, 2001Countries around the world are trying to cope with climatic catastrophe, as a big freeze chills Europe and North America, Brazil recovers from torrential rains, bushfires blaze in an Australian heatwave and Saudis pray for rain. North America was plunged... continued
Strange Birds Seen in Unusual Places
December 31, 2001The National Audubon Society?s annual Christmas Bird Count shows that birds are being spotted in places hundreds and even thousands of miles from their traditional habitats. It may be due to the changing weather, but scientists can?t really explain it.... continued
Anti-Gravity Goo
December 31, 2001The U.S. Marines have a new nonlethal weapon: spray-on slime. The Mobility Denial System consists of a milky-white, non-hazardous anti-traction gel that is sprayed out over the desired area in a 1/8-inch thickness to form an impenetrable barrier. The military... continued
Underwater Temple Discovered
December 31, 2001In 1999, Shaun Arrigo, a producer of underwater documentaries, along with the German archaeologist Hubert Zeitlmair, discovered what may be underwater temples off the northeast coast of Malta. He can?t understand why the Museums Department of Malta has ?totally ignored?... continued