Christmas Star Found

December 23, 2001
Michael Molnar, an astronomer formerly from Rutgers University in New Jersey, says he?s found the first mention of the star of Bethlehem outside the Bible. The reference is in a 4th-century manuscript written by a Roman astrologer and Christian convert... continued

White Christmas

December 23, 2001
A white Christmas is only a memory in most of the United States, according to Dale Kaiser and Kevin Birdwell, of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Looking at the snowfall in16 cities?mainly in the north?since 1960, the number of white... continued

Getting Ready to Invade Iraq?

December 21, 2001
More than 20,000 American troops have been moved into Qatar and Kuwait, suggesting that the U.S. is about to move the war on terrorism into Iraq. The U.S. moved the headquarters of its 3rd Army to Qatar two weeks ago... continued

Santa Flying High

December 21, 2001
The reason Santa?s reindeer can fly has been explained in down-to-earth terms by Dr. Ian Edwards, head of education at the Royal Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh, Scotland. He?s hallucinating on fly-agaric mushrooms. Dr. Edwards says the story of the flying... continued

Anne’s Diary: Christmas is a Reason to be Happy

December 21, 2001
Feeling like a Grinch this year because of 911? Anne sure did, but then she discovered a reason to be happy. Read her diary and find out how she did it. To read Anne's Diary,click here. NOTE: This news story,... continued

Dreamland Archives: The Glitch is Gone!

December 21, 2001
Listeners have complained to us that when they listened to Dreamland on the archives, the show would stop after 30 to 45 minutes. We've discovered the glitch and corrected it, so now you'll be able to hear the entire show.... continued

Crucifix in the Cabbage

December 21, 2001
The Reverend Wesley Marcle was eating dinner when he found a small gold crucifix in the cabbage cooked by his wife Carol. He nearly ate the piece of jewelry, which looks like the setting from a man?s ring. The crucifix... continued

Power Lines Put Children At Risk

December 20, 2001
Prolonged exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) from electricity power lines doubles the risk of childhood leukemia, according to a 3-year study carried out by six senior epidemiologists from major institutions around the world, who are part of the International Commission... continued

2001 Temperatures 2nd Highest on Record

December 20, 2001
The Earth?s temperature in the year 2001 was the second highest since global records began 140 years ago, according to the UN?s World Meteorological Organization.The higher temperatures led to an increase in the severity and frequency of storms and to... continued

Smog Causes Birth Defects

December 20, 2001
Scientists have long known about the correlation between air quality and infant illness. Now a UCLA study shows that the harmful effects of air pollution can extend even into the womb. More than a dozen studies in the United States,... continued